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 Simple Codebook View Team


titleApril 26, 2016

Notes from Codebook Meeting 2016-04-26, 8am EDT
Attending Dan Gillman, Gillian Kerr, Larry Hoyle
We discussed the need to update column E in  Larry will make a first pass at this.
Does DDI4 have the ability to describe a Reference period for a question e.g.  “over the last three months have you…?”  The ReferenceDate class has a typeOfDate property that should be able to do this.
We need a controlled vocabulary for the semantic of a ReferenceDate typeOfDate. Examples: the date range to which a question refers…. This will be a heavily used vocabulary. Should this be a choice in the standard? This is less flexible than an external vocabulary that can expand. The latter is preferable. The DDI Alliance controlled vocabulary group might address this issue.
What class will we use for the “study” in 4? GSIM has statistical activity.  We have derived data, experimental data, data collection from administrative sources. Scraped data from an administrative registry, mashed data from the web,  something like the consumer price index, qualitative data. TOFKAS – the object formerly known as study – TOFKAT the object formerly known as TOFKAS. Perhaps Thingamabob? Data Activity?  Study? ThatWhichWasCaptured? DataCollection? AcquisitionActivity? Whatever the name we need a class to represent the overall activity of creating/collecting the data.



titleMarch 15, 2016

Present: Dan Gillman, Steve McEachern, Jared, Oliver Hopt, Gillian Kerr, Kristiyan Panayotov

Gillian Kerr and Kristiyan Panayotov join the group, Steve and Jared we take care of access to websites and mailing lists.

Continue of discussion on Variables in SC

Decisions on the level of information we want to keep in and out of simple codebook should be left to the point, when the other views and packages are a bit more sattled.

The main direction of the further discussion in the next meetings will therefore go on to the definition, what we would expact to be documented for a variable and its surrounding classes. Main Question: What do we wnat to seen in a codebook, especially a basic one?

What is a variable?

- What is the meaning of a variable?

  - Characteristic

  - Population

    - Is a variable the same, if everything is the same but the population? (Sex of humans and/or bears)

- What are the values of a variable?


Extending the usecases especially from Gillian, which sounded to be quite complex while fitting into SC.


titleFebruary 2, 2016

Codebook meeting

2 February 2016

Attending: Dan, Michelle, Steve, Oliver, Jon, Larry, Jared

There’s some lack of clarity about where this group is at.  Discussed what to include in simple codebooks.  One idea is to review the spreadsheet of common elements (summary of CESSDA) and build on that.  Essentials seem to include: enough information to read the data into statistical package, label values, understand universe, understand what measure means so you can interpret the data, attribution information.  Another idea is to look at examples of simple codebooks, identify what they use, and then map to a model.

We need to be careful to keep things simple.  Even older versions of DDI 2 weren’t exactly simple.

If we nail down definitions, then do we make instances of previous versions incompatible?  As we define what information elements we want in DDI 4.0, we can specify which element you want in 2 if you’re going backwards.  

Next steps:

  1. Michelle will go through spreadsheet and narrow down to those elements that are DDI Lite and any others that are heavily used (e.g., key words).

  2. Will paste those elements into new sheet within the spreadsheet.
