Apr 10, 2024 Attending: Catherine Yuen, Alicia Urquidi Diaz, Nicole James, Kaia Kulla, Irene Koraki Folli Admin items: New meeting time? Maybe start earlier, same day
Do you want to be included on future emails and meeting invites? Catherine may not make the meetings, but inclusion on emails OK
Start working on assessing, collecting, and (later) producing the materials needed for training Discuss DDI Audiences document (DDI Audiences and Products.docx) Feedback Alicia: Great effort, clarity is valuable Is the classification and definition of audiences good enough? How to make sure we have a useful classification and description of needs Worth the effort? Good to have overview, and prioritize different ones Focus on activities rather than roles. This can make it more targeted. Target on the activity rather than the role/job There’s a lot of crossover between different roles Look at data lifecycle and divide it into specific activities
Kaia: add link to statisticians needed Activity is closely related to role they play - audience not wholly ignorable - it can create issues to not include audience in plans Differences in how roles are named and how they function between places Need to include data stewards, not just look at universities
Irene: Do we have statistics on who is using it/how it’s used? Should focus on biggest group of users Jennifer: Audience division might be more helpful for website, specific task might be more useful for designing training Researchers - depends on field and researcher how relevant DDI understanding will be Distinguish between researchers as producers and as reusers to focus WG activities most helpfully
Audience vs activity Create table of activities and roles? - need more research to make role-based categories to work Concentrate on activity, role, or functions (what it’s possible to do) There must be connections between all these angles
ACTION: Alicia to create table of Audiences and Roles as they stand now
Which audience would be best to initially focus on? Who are the majority of users? Among data producers and researchers, there’s a lot of variation it might be interesting to parse out. Some cases, they’re the same, sometimes researchers are the ones creating, managing, searching for, etc Focus on activity over role? Data producers and researchers seem intuitive place to start (data production and data reusing)
Review layout and contents of https://ddialliance.org/learn/training-materials
Training request procedure Draft: First response email: Updated_Email to training requests Update spreadsheet (Training requests detailed) Assess size and topic of need: If should be pointed elsewhere: Put requester in contact with them If need training: in Training Reqs meeting, determine… Type of training needed (size of group, language, time) Subject of training Relevant trainer(s)
Contact trainer(s), organize meeting time(s) If necessary: Hold preliminary meeting among trainers to determine course of action After meeting: update training requests spreadsheets