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Earlier Meeting Minutes:

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ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Dan, Jeremy, Oliver, Flavio

Codebook - Pull Request 41

Jared's email
This is to check on the status of the web site migration. When do you plan to switch it over to the new host? When can we turn off the ICPSR-hosted site? Will we retain the same URLs at the new hosted site? Do you need our web team to be available for a few hours during the planned switchover? For content transfer, is this inventory still accurate?

I had one to-do relating to formalizing an agreement about who is doing what for web and resolution support. I recently spoke with the UM General Counsel office about creating legal agreements for web site hosting, maintenance, and support, as well as supporting the resolution system that has been set up to support CV and RDF vocabulary resolution. While we do not need details to create a draft for the web site actions, can you please specify the specific tasks and deliverables for supporting the resolution system?

I'm out next week without access to email or phone but will be back on the 5th. Can we talk then? I'm especially interested in how the Secretariat-owned sections, like Get Involved, Publications, About will function on the new site. I'm also interested in communicating these planned changes to the wider community.

Notes from CDI for TC:

Lifecycle using CDI as a bridge standard to SDMX
RDF expressions of DDI versions are moving forward
See if we can get Eurostat to look at the RDF from Lifecycle
UNECE is having a meeting 3rd week of October with side meeting of CDI/SDMX alignments
Eurostat has a conference in March NTTS (submission date 30th of September)

CDIF in the middle pointing out to different things
Handling handoff between CDIF and DDI is CDI
There hasn't been a discussion of Products that should be involved

TC is accountable for some outreach activities and we need to coordinate this better with Scientific Board and other outreach activities. There should be broad support for the Product Suite with targeting taking place where appropriate.


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Dan, Jeremy, Adrian Dusa (guest)
Regrets: Jon, Darren, Oliver, Flavio

Codebook pull request

approved, merged, related issues closed

Codebook issue #18
Adrian Dusa will join the meeting for this discussion. Please look at the issue prior to the meeting.

ADDED to Issue #18 by Dan: At this week's TC meeting, we discussed the current attribute documentation and if it makes sense to add explicit documentation at the attribute level such as

<xs:attribute name="..." ...>

Adrian will provide examples of end products for suggested changes. These will be vetted with Jon regarding docbook HTML documenation creation. Timing this for the last set of structural changes to be made to schema prior to presentation for vote. Goal is to provide consistency in presentation for ease of reading and to better support capture and transference of documentation to other tools for codebook automated maintenance or new and existing codebook tools. May want to run this by Mehmood for WorldBank tool and Tools group (at least Olof for his tools).

DDI-L 4.0 BETA2 issues - continue to locate previous discussions and link or copy to issues. Whatever we can get done prior to F2F is great but at a minimum issues for discussion should be clearly defined to have a focused discussion.

Web/F2F prep
Jon has added some notes on organization as well as on the products section
Please look at these and comment or add to. One issue may be looking at when we get into reorganization of section content. For products some is being done before the F2F as we discussed in in March. Other reorganization may need to take place after the F2F within the context of overall revision of the web site. The primary goal of the F2F is to lift and move the current ICPSR site content and make sure there is no loss. Organization of new areas like are definately on the F2F agenda as we want those well organized and usable in September for new publications.

CHECK out the AI Companion and Start Summary for assistance with minutes - play with this next week
