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2022-2023 Minutes Page, 2020-2021 Minutes Page, 2018-2019 Minutes Page, 2016-2017 Minutes Page, Pre-2016 Minutes Page


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Oliver, Darren, Jeremy, Dan
CDI update

Roadmap/timeline requirement
There are documents on what is required and funding for implementation was part of this years request. They will prioritize this work product. Achim is back on Sept 11 and we should get roadmap and timeline shortly afterwards. Achim and Deirdre will work with Oliver on setting up pipelines in established DDI production work areas.

CDI timeline
They plan on submitting the package for voting process by Friday 20 September. Out goal will be to get it turned around by 27 September or shortly thereafter. Tentative date for the webinar is Thursday 3 October (of following week if necessary). The voting period should start within a 3-7 window on either side of this date. Wendy will coordinate with Jared. I noted that we will still be running a dual website at that point so the presentation of products may shift some pre- and post-voting period.

CV update
Request for DNS change should be made in next few days and be functional approximately 48 later. This will then be tested, followed by deployment, and then set up of RDF vocabulary resolution platform. Arofan will check on status 3 September.

Sanda wants to do more changes on the home page. Should be live next week. Entry shifts from Jared to Darren

HubSpot update
HubSpot needs to switch to US HubSpot outlet
Jon is talking to Jared on Monday to get the quote sorted and processed
We have a contact on the finance end at DDI
Darren has export .5 GIG of files and tables

Oliver - website transition

  • Tried importing the News item and then stumbled into nightmare of html from work imports. Think of transferring last 2-3 years of news by hand into the system.

  • Do yearly dump to PDF of news items.

  • Make sure this is ok with Jared and note it as a policy.

  • waiting for DNS change

Product section

  • What is going where and how is this organized

  • the doc site will contain information for people technically implementing

  • Web will have informative text content for understanding individual products. Add links to key product content:

    • Technical/Implementation button

    • How to make this visual being able to use useful glif/icons

    • Just waiting for the new DNS update

Presentation proposal for EDDI on Roadmap

title2024-08015 DAY 3 TC F2F

title2024-08-14 DAY 2 TC F2F

title2024-08-13 DAY ! TC F2F


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Oliver, Dan, Jeremy, Darren, Jared (guest)
Regrets: Flavio

F2F and Web site planning



  1. Updated dump of database - completed 2024-08-08

  2. Functionality of administrative section

  3. Meeting time with Michael - set for 2024-08-14 8:30 EDT, 13:30 London

Wendy: (Notification to Content Managers)

  1. Hold on updates during next week (Training, Admin, Marketing, Product) - completed 2024-08-08

Text of email:
Chantal, Kathryn, Jon, Jared, Hilde, and Arofan,

I am writing to you as content managers on the site. I have included Hilde and Arofan as they are preparing DDI-CDI for a vote in September and may need content changes in the website regarding this.

The Technical Committee will be beginning the process of moving the site from ICPSR to the UKDA. ICPSR will be creating downloads of the site content between now and Tuesday 13 August. We will then be creating a prototype of the new site. We will be running parallel sites while we check out the accuracy and stability of the new site. We would like to keep any changes to an absolute minimum for a period of time. We should be able to provide an estimate of this time period by the end of next week.

To that end please:

  1. Do not make any changes to the current site before August 20.

  2. Follow guidelines that the TC will provide before August 20 regarding any necessary changes made for a period of time following August 20.

  3. If you need to make content changes before August 20 or during the limited access period defined in the guidelines we will provide, please contact me to ensure that changes are reflected on both sites

  4. We understand that upcoming events such as the CDI vote will require some changes as well as needed announcements. We will keep this period of limited change as brief as possible. We simply want to ensure that content changes are made to both sites in a consistent manner.

Thank you for your help with this move,

Use of Zoom Summary
Jared forwarded the summary from last week
Wendy has sent to members for review and comment
Looks useful, will need to configure meeting set up to have summary sent directly

Post meeting:
Jared raised 2 additional issues in an email which will be added to aggenda outline

  1. Web hosting expenses. What will they be and through which provider. If above a certain amount, I may need to vet the provider through UM.

  2. Administration. I'd us to keep the number of people who can make direct edits on the site to a low number. Prior to the clean up a few years ago, we had 70+ users with edit permission. Most hadn't logged in for years (and I removed their access due to security risks), but the disparate editors sometimes made for dislocated content. My recommendation is to have the TC edit the Products section. For the other content (mainly involving Training and Marketing), I suggest requests work through me. This helps make sure we have consistent messaging. Thoughts?
