Versions Compared


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Attendees: Cat, Kathryn, Dan, Kaia, Hayley, Alina


  1. Update Spreadsheet with status, notes/actions, full title, who with, latest file name, etc. - Cat updated

  2. Data Quality deck - Kaia to add some notes, Dan to check with Flavio

  3. The DDI Variable Cascade - Dan to work on

  4. Controlled vocab deck - Cat to read and feedback to group

  5. Questions and Instruments slide deck - Kaia to review updated version

  • Korean translation - Alina hasn’t heard from Korean data archive and will proceed with budget request to hopefully move things along - still outstanding

  • programmers deck - Hayley has updated, now with Alina - new programmer to review in September

  • Update on the work on the self-training DDI support (this is an example of their work) : it is a work in progress, the person in charge attended the French training we gave last Friday with Hilde and asked a lot of questions about exercises or games on DDI. We already have some of those; Alina plans to find them and translate them into French. - Alina to try and find it or recreate it, to update slide deck “DDI Codebook or DDI Lifecycle (add CDI)” to include link to spreadsheet to make sure we don’t loose it - Alina to do in August / September and will update after that


Updated decks - delete / archive?

  • if we delete v1. we will loose number of views / downloads

  • translated decks will need to be updated as well - Alina volunteered to update French versions, what about Korean versions which we’ve just had them translated?

  • need to check with wider DDI community?

  • 6 3 marked as published to be updated - 1. What is Metadata, 2. with v1.1 on Gesis box

    1. DDI Codebook of DDI Lifecycle

    , 3.
    1. What is DDI

    2. DDI

    , 4. Variables and variable cascade, 5. Question and instrument structures, 6. DDI for librarian ….
    1. for Librarians, Archivists and Metadata Managers

  • Have these v1.1 versions been reviewed? Can they replace v1.0? If so, what would happen to views / download numbers? Any ideas? Or we keep those numbers on spreadsheet manually and loose them on Zenodo?

  • 1 updated published - Understanding metadata

    to replace 1.

    advanced version of What is Metadata

  • 2 in progress to be


    published- The DDI variable cascade

    to replace 4.

    advanced version of Variables and variable cascade and Questions and survey instruments in DDI

    to replace 5.

    advanced version of Question and instrument structure

Once we decide our stance on this I think we should run it by the larger TG or the SB

Data Quality deck

  • Feedback from scientific board, update or publish as is? Kaia to add some notes to the deckKaia has updated this and Kathryn has reviewed it, Dan to check with Flavio to clarify what else need to be done apart from adding more notes for this and all future deck.


  • Published but Kaia to review updated version, Questions and Survey instruments in DDI deck to replace published Question and instrument structures deck

Controlled vocab deck

  • Cat to read and see if there are any questions the we as a group will decide what else is needed

EDDI train the trainer in person meeting

Current deck statuses (summary):

  • How to Document Data Quality with DDI - Reviewed, Kaia to add some notesDan still to check with Flavio? Or is that more general and this is ready to be published?

  • The DDI Variable Cascade: Describing Data to Optimize Reusability and Comparison- Dan will try and work on this

  • Controlled vocabularies - Cat to read and feedback

  • DDI for Developers - Alina - new programmer to review in September

  • Controlled vocabularies - Cat to read and feedback

  • Questions and Survey Instruments in DDI: Maximizing the Value of Your Metadata - Kaia to review updated version

  • Korean translation - Alina - Done, to be revised


  1. Update Spreadsheet with status, notes/actions, full title, who with, latest file name, etc. - Cat updated

  2. Data Quality deck - Kaia to add some notes, Dan to check with Flavio

  3. Variable cascade deck - Dan to work on (email from Chantal on contents from Flavio 25-6-2024)

  4. Controlled vocab deck - Cat to read and feedback to group

  5. Questions and Instruments slide deck - Kaia to review updated version


Please only use this as reference and do not update. Please only update the spreadsheet so it doesn’t get out of sync!

Choosing the right DDI tool? - Alina will try and re-create it in the summer
