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titleVirtual meeting 2017-06-28

ATTENDEES: Wendy, Oliver, Jay, Dan G.

Proposed game plan discussions

  • Software version of the content is good but there could be other drawback

Documentation of Views:

  • YAML structures were discussed, putting these examples into Lion
  • Be able to have instances to prove and use as examples

Update on realizations and XML for Collection Pattern

  • Classification - maybe start with CodeList and then add levels
  • Make a view for realizations
  • Workflow
  • Logical/Format description
  • CustomValues

Signification Pattern (new issue DMT-137 describing task).

  • Please review model in terms of locations where signification pattern should be realized.
  • We need to have clearer rules in terms of realization
  • Many classes, such as concept, realize multiple pattern classes and we need to be clear on how these compliment each or conflict (if they do so)
  • The extent to which we use a pattern - there are instances where the pattern applies but may be of such a character that we aren't realizing (i.e. Identification where we can specify how ID's are formed by relationship to the pattern, but to most seem pretty straight forward). We don't want to twist people into strict knots by forcing realization of a pattern. Difference between the conceptual model and creating the binding and implementing the binding.
  • The big issue is whether people want to actually model it. At what level is that made invisible - at the point of binding or the point of an instance.
  • The sweet spot is in doing metadata management. You can start looking at ties between identifiers and how they are formed.
  • How do we go about exploring this in an efficient way. Lawrence paper should be linked to DMT-137
  • How its currently modeled is tied to nodes and so if we lose nodes there isn't a representation to hang our hat on.
  • In walking from the abstract to the concrete it had to do with the modeling. Signification would need to be pulled into at least realizations of part of the collection. May cause the review of the rule that pattern classes can't realize other pattern classes. They extend.


  • Re look at the material we have
  • Review the use of Nodes and effect on signification on that
  • Create a realization of Statistical Classification or CodeList which use both collection and signification
  • Evaluate signification within this
  • Use signification only where it is useful
  • Better definition of when signification should be used and where it may be superfluous

titleVirtual meeting 2017-06-14

ATTENDEES: Wendy, Dan G., Jay, Larry

Review of revised collection pattern as found in NewCollectionPattern

  • There is the idea of a collection and then that a collection is made up of a structure
  • Base collection (abstract) then specializes to a unordered, strictorder, orderrelation.
  • There is the collection which can be of 3 types - but we want a means of describing the entirety of the
  • Too much stuff in the base class - separate the thing from the underlying structure
  • What we want is a name of the whole collection just at the root
  • A "proposed collection" that then related to information about the collection and then that contains the structures
  • Creates a bag of bags as an entry point to the collection

Move from BaseCollection to NewCollection

  • type 1..1 CollectionType Binary choice of Bag or Set
  • name 0..n Name A linguistic signifier. Human understandable name (word, phrase, or mnemonic) that reflects the ISO/IEC 11179-5 naming principles. If more than one name is provided provide a context to differentiate usage.
  • purpose 0..1 InternationalStructuredString Explanation of the intent of this collection. Supports the use of multiple languages and structured text.
  • usage 0..1 InternationalStructuredString Explanation of the ways in which some decision or object is employed. Supports the use of multiple languages and structured text.

Add to NewCollection

  • (make a note that this SHOULD be realized as AnnotatedIdentifiable)
  • isDefinedBy points to base collection which is the root bag
  • [totality, semantics, hasRelationSpecification]
  • class by definition is the master collection

Follow-up from Lawrence KS..who's working on what:

  • Jay..ppt continuing (waiting on realiztions to complete) - what happens to realizations of the process pattern
  • Jay..beginning to see of the work Chifundo's doing as a means of road testing some of the pattern stuff we're doing
  • Larry..will work on examples when test realizations are done
  • Dan..probably has something outstanding and will work on test realizations

Related work:

  • Qualitative and custom should be cleaned up (Dagstuhl)
  • Dan is working on LIM
