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Materials from External Review work at Dagstuhl Sprint

titleVirual Virtual meeting 2017-07-26

ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jay, Oliver, Larry, Dan G.

Current state of Collection revision:

  • Jay spent some time with Dan to walk through it. What came out of this was that we wanted to organize the thing a little more so that the statistical classification fell out of the code list which fell out of the classification set.
  • The other was do we want to represent the relationships the way Wendy was representing them there or just have views of the relations to represent the relationship and kind of deal with relationships separately.
  • How well does this reflect GSIM and how much is fine tuning or is it gratuitous remodeling. There seem to be a more straight forward way of doing things. We want to provide something that is transparent and intuitive. We want people to look at this and say "Oh that makes sense".
  • Dan didn't have time to work on stuff so didn't get into the weeds.
  • Jay provided a roadmap. How does the this relate to the representations package.
  • It was pretty clear that we started out we began with realization and a means of simplifying it.
  • We need to be able to explain relationship to GSIM and the Node/NodeSet was a means of being able to attach each of the basic things and then work on the details.
  • We have to be able to show a clean map from GSIM to DDI.
  • Not everything that is in the "pattern" package should be in the pattern. Right now that is muddied by having to put these into the same package. It is "OK" not to have it in the pattern because WE are the ones that are building the realizations not the end user.

Where do we go from here from this

  • Wendy needs to send out her notes
  • Jay and Dan need to work this out
  • We need to agree on some kind of road map
  • This is fundamental stuff and we need to get it nailed down before Dagstuhl

We need to have a clear workplan and priorities over the next 18 months

As we're working on this can we create mini-examples.

Oliver will create a means for us to make builds.

titleVirtual meeting 2017-07-12

ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jay, Dan G.

Discussion of collection realizations:

  • Statistical Classification is the same as a CodeList
  • Not necessarily in practice
  • Statistical Classification needs to be mutually exclusive and exhaustive as well as managed
  • Extension of Statistical Classification from CodeList would support use of Statistical Classification as enumerated value domain
  • The difference should be between managed and unmanaged, mutually exclusive and exhausted are boolean features.
  • Add spatial relations for use as specialized classes of base relations
  • If you inherit from CodeList you can use all of these
  • The distinction between category set and codelist is having designations (signifier associated with signified)
  • A signifier is currently a string in a Code but could be an image or sound etc.
  • Dig deeper into designation down the road if we want to pull things together in this way.

Jay and Dan G. will walk through the realizations next week. Will also have a discussion during TC meeting period this week as there is no TC meeting

Wendy will review what extending Statistical Classification from ColeList would look like. Also explore implication of extending Unit Type, Universe, Population from Concept
