Purpose and Role

To create a Glossary Working Group under the auspices of the Scientific Board to produce, maintain, and update the DDI Glossary of terms and definitions used within the DDI standards community.

Goals and Vision

To create an authoritative resource by providing definitions of terms to enhance the clarity and understanding of the DDI suite of standards and other products. The DDI Glossary is intended to be a resource that users may consult for gaining a better understanding of DDI products.

Other standards development efforts produce glossaries for their user communities - an example within the national statistical office community is the UNECE Statistical Metadata Glossary, at https://statswiki.unece.org/display/hlgbas/Statistical+Metadata+Glossary . SDMX maintains a glossary of their terms, too, at SDMX Glossary.

Contact information


If you do not wish to be a member of this group you can send an email to ddi-glossary+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com or follow this unsubscribe link.


Working Group Tasks

  • Actively maintain the DDI Glossary.

  • Ensure each term follows ISO guidelines (in ISO 704:2000, Terminology - Principles and Methods) for forming definitions; define rather than describe terms.

  • Ensure accuracy of descriptions.

  • Add additional resources – e.g., meaningful external links (such as the definition of a term in another community; could be added to secondary pages).

  • Add important terms not currently listed in the glossary.

  • Remove terms that may not be needed.

Working Group Members



Dan Gillman (gillman.daniel@bls.gov)


Valentin Brunel (valentin.brunel@sciencespo.fr)


Jane Fry (janefry@gmail.com)


Nathalie Gendron (Nathalie.Gendron@statcan.gc.ca)


Arofan Gregory (ilg21@yahoo.com)


Laura Molloy (laura@codata.org)


Barry Radler (bradler@wisc.edu)


Steve Richard (smrtucson@gmail.com)


Flavio Rizzolo (flavio.rizzolo@gmail.com)


Hilde Orten (hilde.orten@sikt.no)

SB Contact

Related pages:

DDI Glossary Working Group Meetings

Every 2 weeks, beginning Wednesday 12 January 2022

Time: 0900-1000 US Eastern time

1400-1500 UTC


Meeting ID: 830 9059 4507
Passcode: 724077