Description: Generic data capture instrument

Dependencies: Required by complex survey

NOTE: The Instrument View Team changed its name to Data Capture Team

The Data Capture Team (originally the Instrument View Team) began working on the structure of a simple instrument to provide an extension base for creating more complex instruments of different types. This page captures the work of this group as it moves from the design of a simple instrument to the design of complex survey instruments, mixed mode instruments, and other related means of data capture. The shift in emphasis  from the simple to the complex takes place at the Minneapolis Sprint (2015-05-25). For continuity's sake minutes and documents are being maintained in a single location.

Next meeting to be determined

Barry Radler  bradler@wisc.eduTeam Leader
Steve McEachern

Team member
Guillaume Duffesguillaume.duffes@insee.frTeam member
Jon member
Dan Smithdan@colectica.comTeam member
Hilde Ortenhilde.orten@nsd.uib.noTeam member
Wolfgang Zenk-Moltgenwolfgang.zenk-moeltgen@gesis.orgTeam member