This page will be used to track daily work activities and assignments during the sprint. All papers/products resulting from this week's work should be deposited here (no google doc links) so that they can be appropriately linked to the MT page and/or JIRA issues following the sprint.

Oliver manually built schemas for each day of the sprint. We discovered that some essential xsd files that would normally be injected by the production process were initially not present. The following must be present in the same folder as the View schema file (e.g. "SimpleCodebookView_4-DR0.2.xsd"):

  • xml.xsd
  • ddi-xhtml11.xsd
  • ddi-xhtml11-model-1.xsd
  • ddi-xhtml11-modules-1.xsd

     and the folder


They can be found in any of the builds available in lion from October.

When adding tasks please note who has been assigned the task. Completion means an accepted draft has been provided (rather than the finished document). Use task numbers to make it easy to relate a product to a task.

  • Task 1: Goals of DDI 4
    • Overall image and description of how patterns fit together (Jay, Dan)
    • What is DDI 4 from the technical perspective (90% of the original DDI 4 description) (Oliver)
    • General environmental scan: what do we intend DDI to do in relation to coverage and other standards (Wendy)
  • Task 2: Gap analysis DDI 4 to DDI 3.2
  • Task 3: Gap analysis DDI 4 to GSIM