Copenhagen Sprint, November 2015

Copenhagen Sprint, November 2015

Copenhagen Sprint 2015 Summary Report (PDF) and Supporting Files (zip).


Priorities in order of importance

  1. Completely automate the production workflow (fully automated nightly builds).
  2. Fill missing design decisions
  3. Improve the individual tools (Drupal, bindings, etc.)
  4. Clean up (content and code)


  • RDF bindings? See RDF document from Richard Cyganiac.
    • Big question that might need to be addressed first: What is the purpose of doing this? Do we want to create RDF that will take advantage of the strengths of RDF? If so, we need to rethink the current RDF bindings/structure
  • Get the output from lion into some automated build system.
    • Nightly build? If so, the XSLT needs to be updated - ComplexDataType and structure needs to be reviewed and updated.
  • Finalize the re-structured text (.rst) output for the documentation
  • Cleanup of unused stuff in lion.
  • Build better views for sorting and filtering on the lion webpage.
  • Integration (using Jenkins or some other tool - Bamboo is used in Atlassian)
  • Some design decisions are still open -- Oliver will need some discussion to finalize the mapping to XSD
  • There is no complete use case to be generated (e.g., study description).
  • Problem regarding modelling: we have no mechanism to drop attributes from objects for particular views.
  • Oliver will send a list of missing design decisions to Arofan and me.

Preparing for the Sprint

Read the following documents located on the main Modelling Team page:

Read TheseLink
Binding and Intermediate Framework (Proposal from Minneapolis Sprint on creating PIM and PSM approach to creating bindings)Document
An RDF Schema/OWL Binding for the DDI Model v.3.1 (from Richard Cyganiak)Document
XML Binding from the DDI Model - version 3 2015-05-27Document

Local Information

The Copenhagen Sprint takes place 23-27 November 2015 at Statistics Denmark.

Add information here

Arofan Gregoryarofan.gregory@earthlink.net
Joachim Wackerowjoachim.wackerow@gesis.org
Jon Johnsonj.johnson@ioe.ac.uk
Marcel Hebingmarcel@ddionrails.org
Wendy Thomaswlt@umn.edu
Oliver Hoptoliver.hopt@gesis.org
Olof Olssonolof.olsson.2@gu.se
Jannik Jensenjvj@sa.dk