20220117 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20220117 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

Scientific Board meeting minutes 2022-01-17 


Carsten, Darren, Hilde, Ingo, Simon 


Achim, Flavio, Jared, Wendy

1. WG follow-up by SB contacts 

  • Report from the contact/follow-up with the working groups  

Carsten – XKOS: 

Carsten will meet with the working group chair before the next meeting. 

Darren – Controlled Vocabularies Group: 

Darren will attend the February meeting of the CV group. He has currently daily meetings with representative form the CV group and technical leads and officers of CESSDA. 

Ingo – TC:  

Ingo has met with the whole TC as well as with the chairs. The following topics have been discussed: 

-Technical Contacts at the member institution. Ingo will follow up with Jared regarding this. 

-DDI Alliance Developers group: There is a wish within both the SB and the TC to reestablish the Developers group. The group will need a chair. Ingo is working on this. 

-TC chairing in the future. There will be a need for a new TC chair when Wendy decides to step down from the position. The TC is currently working on this. 

Hilde – Paradata: 

Hilde has sent an email regarding contact to the WG chair. Awaiting response on this. 

  • SB contact for the Glossary group 

This topic was not addressed at the meeting. To do next time.  

2. Meeting the Scientific Community, Jan. 27th 

The following agenda was agreed: 

A) Intro (Ingo):  

  • Welcome and purpose of the meeting.  

  • Introduction to the SB and the WGs and their work in relation to the Scientific Plan  

B) Topics for introduction and discussion 

  • DDI URN resolution and the work of the URN resolution temporary working group (Ignition talk 5 – 10 minutes by Carsten. Carsten will ask if Achim is interested to contribute) 


  • Mapping between specifications (two Ignition talks each 5 – 10 minutes. Hilde will ask Arofan and Flavio) 

    • Mapping between DDI specifications  

    Discussion (for example about possible mapping formats. SKOS format, other)?  

    • Cross-specification mappings and implementation guidelines   


C) Outro (Hilde)

  • Feedback from participants on this type of community meeting. Frequency of meetings.

  • Ideas for topics for forthcoming meetings from participants

  • AOB

3. Meeting between the SB and EB chairs, January 20th 

The meeting is set up to meet and greet the new EB chairs. Ideas from SB members for things to focus on at that meeting are welcome.  

4. Informal meeting between the SB and EB chairs and the WG chairs, February 3rd

Ingo was addressing the purpose of the meeting between the SB and EB chairs and the WG chairs that is planned for as a quarterly event. It is important that the purpose of the meeting does not overlap with the SB contact’s work in relation to the working groups. An idea from Carsten was that this could be a collaboration focused meeting rather than a reporting meeting. It was agreed to introduce this idea as a discussion point at the upcoming meeting between the SB and EB chairs and the WG chairs. 

5. AOB  

  • Scientific Board physical meeting in Chur. Ingo will organise a physical SB meeting in Chur this year, and proposed to meet the week after the Dagstuhl workshop (scheduled to August 29th to September 2nd ) as a possible timing for the event - for example September 5th to 6th. This was agreed as a tentative proposal that needs further discussion with the SB members that were not present at the meeting. 

  • Ingo also raised a question regarding possibilities for formalisation of the Dagstuhl workshop organisers group in the future.


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