20221025 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20221025 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes



Flavio, Hilde, Ingo, Wendy, Wolfgang


Carsten, Darren, Jared, Simon


0. Admin

Hackathon: Ingo informed that the planned will be organized in March 2023 in collaboration with Johan and Olof at SND, in connection with the RDA 20th Plenary Meeting in Gothenburg. Further organizers are welcome. In addition to funding allocated from the DDI Alliance, the event will be sponsored by SND and The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons.

Ingo will announce the event at the upcoming EDDI conference in November and will reach out to people to ask for help to organize the Hackathon.

1. Discussion of review process document.


The document was reviewed by Ingo, Wolfgang and others in advance of the meeting. Some edits to the document was done at the meeting, while other sections remains to be updated see comments in the google doc).

Further comments may arise post meeting. If possible finalize for vote till next time.


3. Feedback regarding recommendation for review of training materials

Due to time issues this agenda point was not addressed.

4. Tasks for next time:

a.       Update of review process document according to comments made at the meeting: Wendy

b.       Updates of Scientific Board Recommendation document: All assigned tasks. Look into Achim and Arofan’s presentations from Chur.

c.       Letter to DDI user community for sending out late November. Hilde start to prepare content – consult with Ingo after next meeting.

d.       Email to W3C contact regarding DDI new liaison: Hilde

e.       News regarding UNECE Modern Stats contact? Flavio, Darren




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