Variable Dependencies/Relationships

Variable Dependencies/Relationships

Dagstuhl VR Group Working folder - Google Docs

Working notes document - Google Doc

Draft paper - Google Doc


  • Data reuse across domains requires supporting contextual information

  • Relationships between variables/values are important

    • RDA’s I-ADOPT

    • OGC Observations & Measurements

    • Some support provided in the existing DDI-CDI model

      • Is this sufficient?

      • Could it be improved?

  • Outputs include recommendations for expressing these relationships/implementing these standards in DDI-CDI

Planned Deliverables

  • Evaluation of the existing CDI capabilities for describing relationships/dependencies between variables and recommendations for extensions

    • Given that some datums will not be numeric or coded

    • Given that I-ADOPT is not be the only set of variable dependencies/relationships (O&M, SOSA/SSN)

    • Relationships between variables in CDI are at the structural level – is this the same for other, similar models?

Background Material