20240618 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20240618 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes


Dan, Darren, Flavio, Hilde, Ingo, Jared, Wendy


Simon, Wolfgang

1. Admin

a. Annual meetings summary - Steps with the Marketing group

  • This year both the Annual Meetings (Scientific Community and Members Meeting) were held virtually, with a couple of weeks in between them. There was a certain overlap in attendance between the two, and also some overlap in content. We should consider if any improvements can be made for next year.

We were otherwise happy with how the Scientific Community meeting went, and would like to thank all of the working groups and presenters.

In the discussions of both meetings the status of the marketing group was mentioned. The EB and Jared will take steps to fill in on activities till the group has been formed.

b. IASSIST summary and next steps

  • The SB (Wolfgang, Darren, Hilde) presented the works of the DDI Alliance at IASSIST (poster and presentation). The Training Group (Kathryn, Hayley, Alina) also presented their work.

  • We need to decide how to engage with IASSIST next year. To follow up.

2. ISO Certification Exploration Temporary Working Group

a. Mandate for the group - Approved

b. Approval of Dan G. (appointed chair) to start the work - Approved

3. Budget request recommendations

a. Updates

  • Hilde and Darren have sent SB’s recommendations to the EB, linking all priorities to points in the Scientific Work Plan.

b. Review of outcomes from the funded requests for FY23-24

  • Dagstuhl organisers and the CDI group have sent reports about outcomes to Jared. In the FY23-24 a good portion of the allocated funding has not been spent. It would be good to introduce reporting routines to cover reporting on activities that did not take place or spent less than planned. To discuss at the EB/SB coordination call.

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