20241112 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20241112 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes


Hilde, Ingo, Wendy, Dan, Flavio, Jared, Simon


Darren, Wolfgang

  1. Admin

    1. Updates on the CDI release process

Jared informed that:

i Quorum has been reached.

ii We should encourage member representatives to vote to increase the percentage of voting members.

iii Rules regarding voting and approval procedures can be found in section 2.3 here:https://zenodo.org/records/7765072.

b. Updates from Dagstuhl (Hilde and Simon)

i Hilde gave a short update from the workshop Aligning Technology Architectures with Cross Domain Metadata Models: Link to summary report: 2024 Aligning Technology Architectures with Cross-Domain Metadata Models

ii Simon gave a short update from the workshop Evaluating and Refining Cross Domain Metadata Exchange Frameworks. Link to summary report: 2024 Evaluating and Refining Cross-Domain Metadata Exchange Frameworks

iii We are very happy with the work carried out in both workshops, and that the tasks performed contribute to many of the points in the Scientific Work Plan.

c. Briefly from the Modern Stats meetings (Flavio)

i Flavio reported from the Modern Stats meetings where lots of interesting things were going on.

ii Flavio and Arofan (UNECE contacts) will provide a report from the meeting prior to the physical SB meeting in Chur on December 2nd.

d. DDI Website update (Wendy) Waiting for generated pages. Small things remain to fix and Darren, Oliver and Jon will follow up.

e. DDI Registry update (Wendy) dependent on the above.

  1. Working group reporting - form and tasks for WG contacts. 

    1. Link to Q4 report folder

    2. Link to summary spreadsheet of available plans

c. Outreach to WGs in April about report and workplan (HO April 22nd)

d. To do now: 

i SB WG Contacts to reach out to those who have not provided plans

ii Include plan in Q4 report folder

iii Link up in summary spreadsheet

iv Detail items

v Map items to SWP (Wendy help with the TC items)

vi contacts liaise with WGs about the plan as needed.

vii Deadline for providing plan, December 1st (before Chur meeting)? 

  1. Scientific Board meeting in Chur 

a. Time: 9AM - 5 PM 

b. Attendees: Wolfgang, Jared, Wendy, Darren, Hilde, Ingo, Dan

c. Venue: University building B (Where Ingo’s office is)

d. Practical:

i Ingo provides lunch at University.

ii In the evening there will be a reception with food, also at the University.

e. Agenda:

i Scientific Work Plan: Review and implementations.

ii Make plan for short/medium term (2024 - 2025)?

- What should SB do?

- TC and WGs do?

- What can others do?

- Synergies between tasks and initiatives

iii Jared suggested to use the afternoon to complete some of the activities. This was agreed.

iv Hilde and Darren will meet on Friday 15th to draft the agenda. This will be distributed to the board members for comments.

v Plan goals scheduled for the short term:

- 2024 items: Alignment point 3.2 Information Architecture and Content Management Strategy; 3.5 Collaboration SB and WGs.

- Mid 2025 items: 1.2 Stakeholder map; 2.6 Feasibility and scoping report for ISO certification for DDI.

  1. Standing Item - Scientific Work Plan Progress Review
    a. Pillar 1: Engagement. Since our last meeting progress has been made on the following points: 1.3 Deepen connection with W3C and explore the possibilities of a W3C recommendation for DDI components, such as the variable cascade.

i See Dagstuhl report Aligning Technology Architectures with Cross Domain Metadata Models for info.

  1. Other:

    1. Ingo suggested a DDI meet Dublin Core meeting with the DC chair Sam Oh (Keynote speaker at EDDI).

      1. Hilde is available for a meeting on Thursday morning. 

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