February 2025

February 2025

Zoom: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting


  • Groups!


Discussion on what the main barriers are: including needing a basic understanding of the different items in DDI Questionnaires to use them effectively if you want to reuse and manage them.

There are many tools both native DDI and non-DDI tools, for which this knowledge would be helpful to understand to get the best out of them.

Basic Understanding of Questionnaires Sub-group

  • DDI questionnaires in 30 seconds

  • Things I wish I knew before I started using DDI questionnaires

  • Rationale for the different items and why they exist ---> best practices in setting up questionnaires e.g.

    • Differences between question text/instructions/statements

    • Question items vs question grids vs question blocks

    • What is a code list (order, values, categories)

    • etc

  • It would be useful to think of how this is actually disseminated e.g, could it link to or be linked from the DDI specification documents, without becoming a massive task itself?

Sub-group activities ( Jon / Romain to co-ordinate first meeting)

  • Develop outline of content

  • Gather existing materials

  • other?

Tools Comparison Sub-Group

Discussion that there are different tools with different strengths, not everyone will be using native DDI tools, so guidance on what they (and DDI tools) are good at / bad at) for exporting / reuse to DDI.

Sub-group activities ( Oliver agreed to lead Jon / Romain to co-ordinate first meeting)

  • Identify tools (Limesurvey, RedCap, Qualtrics etc/ Colectica, Pogues, Archivist, Nectar / GESIS tools etc)

  • Develop criteria for comparison

    • Exportable items

    • ability to parse items into DDI items

    • etc

  • other?

Other topics to put on ice

Things you need to know / understanding e.g

  • versioning and how to use it, what it offers

  • reusing objects (when and how)

  • managing question banks


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