Vancouver Sprint, March 2014

Vancouver Sprint, March 2014

NADDI Sprint 

The third DDI Moving Forward Sprint was held in Vancouver 24 - 28 April, immediately prior to the NADDI conference. The attendees of the Sprint were Thérèse Lalor, Jay Greenfield, Arofan Gregory, Larry Hoyle, Jon Johnson, Alan Li, Ron Nakao, Wendy Thomas, Joachim Wackerow and Mary Vardigan.

Moving to new collaboration tools.

As has been discussed for some time, the DDI Alliance is proposing to use a new set of collaboration tools. It is hoped that a move to these new tools will create a more coherent and transparent environment for the DDI work. Details on the proposed new collaboration tools can be found here.

Process of creating DDI 4

During the Sprint a recurring discussion was the architecture of DDI 4 and the process to create it. A paper has been drafted to explain the proposed way forward.

In order to better understand all the tasks involved in the project a Kanban board has been set up on the wiki in order to track the progress of the project. (NOTE Kanban content was lost in move from UNECE site. This feature is no longer supported)

Technical Topics

A number of technical topics were discussed and proposals for these were drafted. Comments on these papers are encouraged before the IASSIST Sprint which will be held in late May.

Content Topics

In addition to technical topics, a number of content topics were discussed and progressed during the sprint. The following new content topics were discussed.

  • Library/Archive and Access Control use cases: Discussions were held about these two use cases. It was decided that one DDI 4 view called Collection Management should be created. This view addresses the information required to manage a collection of data and metadata within a DDI environment. It covers any specialization of processes used as input to process models, the description and application of access control information, and the purpose, organization, and relationships within a collection. Preliminary work was started to identify the objects in this view. See more detailed description of discussion here. 
  • Data Management plan use case: Following a small group discussion, it was determined that this should be split into 2 views - a data management view and a study inception view. The list objects to be included in the study inception view can be found here. 

Building on work already undertaken by previous sprint and virtual task teams, the following areas were discussed:

  • Foundational metadata: The division of work regarding this area was clarified. The core team will cover primitives, extended primitives and basic reusables. The Conceptual team will cover the conceptual objects. See more details here. (see Discussion at NADDI sprint)
  • Process / Provenance: The current work on this topic was presented to the group and following input a revised version of the powerpoint was created. 
  • Discovery: The discussions regarding to the Discovery view continued and changes were made in Drupal. A brief description of those changes can be found here.


For those interested in following the evolution of the discussions and proposals made, the minutes of the Sprint are below: