Analysis of technical specifications

Analysis of technical specifications

The following is a list of the broad areas of coverage that appear across the specifications represented at this meeting.

Name (Working term)Area of coverageExamples
Spatial and geographicInformation required for describing geographic information and services (e.g. ISO 19115)ISO 19115
TemporalInformation required for describing time-based characteristics of the data (e.g. the date of publication, a time stamp)
ContributorsPeople, organisations, agents, ...
ProcessDescription of processes, workflows, transformations, ...
Provenance(Related to process) Descriptions of the process used to create/produce/transform/publish dataPROV-O, PREMIS
Vocabularies/lists/classificationsEnumerated lists of terms that may be applied to content being described.ISCO, SNOMED, ICD-9
ResourcesObjects being described or referenced. May include datasets, but also publications, software, code, other metadata, ...DDI2.5 Related Publication???
DatasetsSpecific descriptions of datasets as primary objects
Observation/CaptureClasses/objects that describe the processes by which data is created, generated, captured, transformed. (QUESTION: Is this the same as Provenance/Process?)
DataThe logical structure of the data being described - variables, units of measurement, concepts, sample units and populations, records, datum(s), cells. (May or may not be a subset of datasets)
StorageThe physical representation of the data (files, formats, locations, ...)
AccessWho can access the data and how
Administrative/core/...Foundational classes for use in building the specification - e.g. identification, versioning, primitives
ExtensionsMechanisms for extending the "core" specification to specialise/extend for a specific usage (domain, organisation, activity, ...)