Gathering Views On By-laws - Purpose

Gathering Views On By-laws - Purpose

Consensus / Issues 16/3/2020


Discussion centred around:

  • Adding a preamble to the Scientific Board purpose which encapsulates purpose as being primarily strategy, oversight of TC, Marketing, Training etc, and development of direction. e.g. Strategic direction of the DDI Alliance standards / work products and its promotion and support.

  • The current purposes whilst useful, could be viewed as being more functions and to enable it to be more flexible, and grow with the needs of the Alliance, perhaps they could be transformed into standing orders, which would need ratification by another body e.g. either Annual Meeting or Executive if changed. This might mean expansion / revision of current 6 points

  • Current organisation by law “to set up sub groups” move to purpose/ standing order , to emphasise co-ordination role of SB.

  • Strong agreement that the SB should present a report to the annual meeting on past activities but also that it should be charged with providing a strategic plan for the forthcoming period (as a document with meaningful choices, e.g. options for discussion), so that it had a clear mandate from the Alliance annual meeting

We did discuss specific organisational issues which flowed from the purposes, but leave those as possible options

  • Board composition

    • Should election be restricted to just election of Chair/Vice Chair

    • and / or there should be ‘reservations’ to ensure some form of representation from the membership as a whole, this might be geographic or other representations models e.g. archive / research / NSO etc?

  • Strong feeling that actual work should be done by small groups from with SB plus others if neccesary / needed and that these should provide reports to SB for approval

An open issue we did not discuss was current SB ByLaw that relates to approval of major revisions, who and how thay should be done


Notes of Discussion 16/3/2020


Gathering Views On By-laws - Purpose

The terms of the Review are to “to propose a restructuring and to draft changes to the Alliance Bylaws” (Jon)

The goal of this temporary group is to restructure the Scientific Board so it is active and engaged throughout the year -- beyond the annual meeting -- and optimally functioning as the scientific and technical body of the Alliance.  (Jared)

NS – two issues, participation and composition (if i may, rather decision making than composition itself), what do we want to solve

Role of SB

  • High level

    • Focus

    • Governance 

  • To sign off on a product



  • Can only provide a structure

  • Cannot solve issues. Eg., engagement

  • Create a division of labour within DDI

    • EB

    • SB - to direct the WGs/Cttees

      • E.g., Technical, Marketing, Training


  • Leave Bylaws as is

    • Provide more detailed governance suggestions - separate from the bylaws

  • Future directions, strategy, oversight

    • Need to be more defined

  • Define - what is the SB

    • Include future directions here

      • Based on Strategic plan

      • Based on initiatives from WGs

  • Annual Mtg

    • Discuss future strategy

    • What has happened in the past year

  • Board composition

    • Election of Chair/Vice chair?

    • Geographic representation?

  • Composition of small group

    • Not determined by voting?

    • Determined by negotiation? 

Tentative options and changes to be implemented:

  • Add some meat on the description of the SB, forward looking and strategy?

    • Strategic direction of the DDI Alliance standards / work products and its promotion and support?

  • Move point on organization re setting up sub groups into purpose by laws

  • Need to meet more often

    • Frequency of mtg needs to be specified

  • Add in something about Executive board about coordination across boards?

Purpose of SB

  • Present a report at the annual mtg with meaningful choices for future directions

    • Shares work of SB over the past year

    • Shares priorities of the SB for the year going forward

      • To be approved?

  • Defined on a high level in the Bylaws

    • Could delegate to the governance document mentioned below

  • On a detailed level

    • To be defined in a governance rule document

      • Or in a standing order for the WGs

        • Can be amended as needed - this needs to be defined/clarified

Composition of SB

  • Less constrained

  • Ability to attract more people

  • How is it ratified by DDI

Voting re: product

  • How is this to be handled

Summary of Comments

A summary of the views on the current By Laws are indicated in the Summary row of the table below.

Reinforcement of current By Laws
2. The EB didn’t provide a strategic plan since 2017. The SB Acting Committee could work with the EB on a strategic plan.

Reduction in current By Laws
SB could be mandated commission research and testing not doing it themselves

Extension of current By Laws
An elected Acting Committee with a clear role in the structure of the DDI Alliance could be a good basis. This would not change the Bylaws in the core.

  1. It is not clear how the current SB could be active beyond the annual meeting. An Acting Committee could provide a better platform for achieving the goals described above.

  2. The TC filled the gap between the EB and the working groups since many years (basically since the first draft of DDI Lifecycle). This made sense for an intermediate period. But the Breckenhill already pointed out that this should be changed.
    If the establishment of an elected Acting Committee will better lead and catalyze the growth of a more-populated and functioning Scientific Board, then I support its creation.

This plan should provide a frame for all the work in the working groups. This plan can be on the one hand a high-level working plan and on the other hand a plan for exploring new areas and/or partnering with new people/groups. The general ideas of this are already described in the bylaws. Maybe some more clarification and details would make it more useful.

Related Issues
The working groups work on the details of specific purposes.

Commentary on current practice
The amendment of the bylaws can only provide a better frame for this.
As background: there are a couple of issues which we experience for a long time:
3. The TC filled the gap between the EB and the working groups since many years (basically since the first draft of DDI Lifecycle). This made sense for an intermediate period. But the Breckenhill already pointed out that this should be changed.
4. Only committees / working groups (formal ones or informal ones) with engaged participants can have an impact. A change in the bylaws is only one step. The involvement of additional, new, and younger people is crucial.

ByLaws were revised to address the governance problems experienced by the Alliance at the time as recommended by the Breckenhill Report (July 2011).
The Executive Board replaced the Steering Committee, which was not functioning, and it placed the overall governance of the Alliance in an elected Board.
The Scientific Board was to provide leadership/governance for the technical/scientific/DDI specification, which had been in the TIC and various working groups,
The goal was to establish an organizational division of labor within the Alliance that would allow technical/scientific/domain expertise to populate the Scientific Board functions.
I believe the underlying problem is not so much the ByLaws, but the lack of people to populate the Scientific Board.


Contribute to the substantive content of DDI standards and semantic products and approve major version revisions.

Evaluate technical proposals through the Alliance standards review process.

Undertake research and testing concerning proposals for DDI standards and semantic products.

Develop and promulgate best practices for use of DDI standards and semantic products.

Assess progress and barriers to progress.

Suggest future directions and activities for the Alliance.



Contribute to the substantive content of DDI standards and semantic products and approve major version revisions.

Evaluate technical proposals through the Alliance standards review process.

Undertake research and testing concerning proposals for DDI standards and semantic products.

Develop and promulgate best practices for use of DDI standards and semantic products.

Assess progress and barriers to progress.

Suggest future directions and activities for the Alliance.



Caveats - Executive level

Caveats - Executive level

Split consensus

Split consensus



see above

Jon Johnson



Disagree - should be working group of domain experts, so canvass opinion

Disagree - should be working group of domain experts, promulgate YES, develop - No



SB could commission research and testing

Wendy Thomas



A certain level of testing takes place during the development process of DDI products. In this sense it is the role of the working group but they should be able to pull experts from the community.

Disagree - for reasons Jon noted. Proposing best practices for vetting by domain experts. Definitely promulgation through publication and training,


Agree - in one sense this is also achieved by filing issues on current products and proposing new working group. We vote with our feet on this. If there is interest among a group of members general (non-monetary support) should be provided and content developed and vetted according to the standard process.


Ingo Barkow

SB should specify requirements on a meta level. Scientists are not technical experts. Sign off has to be prepared as an executive summary. No scientist will understand the technical specification in RDF or XSD and thus is clueless what he or she signs off.

Again, this has to be high level or the SB has to put a committee in place.

Unlikely - the scientist with the SB will most likely use a tool to use the standard.

Nope. Technical level will not be high enough for these tasks.




Jared Lyle

Agree. (I agree with all purposes/columns listed here, but feel the implementation details need to be clarified.)







Joachim Wackerow

I agree with all purposes/columns listed here. See the note in the comment column for clarification.






The SB is a level between the Executive Board (responsible for the strategic plan and for the budget) and the working groups (including the standing working group Technical Committee). The SB has the task to guide all the described purposes and to provide a frame around them. The working groups work on the details of specific purposes. The SB should make a comprehensive plan along the strategic plan. This plan should provide a frame for all the work in the working groups. This plan can be on the one hand a high-level working plan and on the other hand a plan for exploring new areas and/or partnering with new people/groups.

The general ideas of this are already described in the bylaws. Maybe some more clarification and details would make it more useful.

An elected Acting Committee with a clear role in the structure of the DDI Alliance could be a good basis. This would not change the Bylaws in the core.

The amendment of the bylaws can only provide a better frame for this.

As background: there are a couple of issues which we experience for a long time:

  1. It is not clear how the current SB could be active beyond the annual meeting. An Acting Committee could provide a better platform for achieving the goals described above.

  2. The EB didn’t provide a strategic plan since 2017. The SB Acting Committee could work with the EB on a strategic plan.

  3. The TC filled the gap between the EB and the working groups since many years (basically since the first draft of DDI Lifecycle). This made sense for an intermediate period. But the Breckenhill already pointed out that this should be changed.

  4. Only committees / working groups (formal ones or informal ones) with engaged participants can have an impact. A change in the bylaws is only one step. The involvement of additional, new, and younger people is crucial.

Hilde Orten

I agree with all purposes/columns listed here






I agree with Achim’s comments

Jane Fry



disagree for same reasons as Jon

disagree for same reasons



agree with Achim’s comments - very well thought out - especially the last one.

Ron Nakao

I agree with all current Bylaw SB Purposes. Re: voting to approve major revisions, the Designated Member Representative will be designated by the Member Organization. For many MOs this may be one person, but it may be more. (See VI.B.1.a-b)


Agree. SB can form Working Groups that can include outside domain experts. (See VII.B.7 and II.Working Groups)

Agree. SB can pursue both objectives, if it wishes. Again, Working Groups can be formed by SB that include outside domain experts. (See VII.B.7 and II.Working Groups)



ByLaws were revised to address the governance problems experienced by the Alliance at the time as recommended by the Breckenhill Report (July 2011). The Executive Board replaced the Steering Committee, which was not functioning, and it placed the overall governance of the Alliance in an elected Board. The Scientific Board was to provide leadership/governance for the technical/scientific/DDI specification, which had been in the TIC and various working groups, The goal was to establish an organizational division of labor within the Alliance that would allow technical/scientific/domain expertise to populate the Scientific Board functions. I believe the underlying problem is not so much the ByLaws, but the lack of people to populate the Scientific Board. If the establishment of an elected Acting Committee will better lead and catalyze the growth of a more-populated and functioning Scientific Board, then I support its creation.


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