Title of session: Data Capture
Day: Monday, October 24
Participants: Barry Radler, Dan Smith, Wolfgang Zenk-Moltgen, Kelly Chatain, Arofan Gregory (visiting)
Chair: Barry Radler
Note taker: Kelly Chatain
Morning Session
Background information
Not much work since Dagstuhl 2015 by the Data Capture team. In general waiting to hear back on the work already completed and in need of review.
Reviewed the team members, a few were removed due to inactivity and other reasons. Sophia, Ingo, and Brigitte. Jannik has not had the time to help with the modelling and therefore a new modeller for Data Capture should be assigned (issue created in Jira).
Backing-up and Reviewing the model:
The group went back to the model to review changes made by others outside of the team.
**All ties into the process model with a DDI Act. But how? Where do we define the questionnaire flow (the sequence), the instrument itself?
10:55 - Arofan brings in Larry's rendering of what's in drupal workflow
Dan: Wants to get some response domains defined.
Issue: How to describe what the actual response domain is?
Goal - Basic questionnaire, workflow
**If methodology needs more information about an act, then they should add it to their patterns.
Use basic questionnaire to walk through the model. Perhaps using three examples to illustrate 1)prescriptive needs for designing a questionnaire 2) run-time needs for processes, and 3) archival needs for describing after data is received.
Afternoon Session
Participants: Kelly Chatain, Barry Radler, Dan Smith, Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen
Created two question, one measurement instrument with an introductory statement and interviewer instructions. (see attached)
Will create one example to illustrate prescriptive (design), run-time, and archive activities.
Issues: All issues logged as of Wednesday, Oct. 26th
How to name a question?
Problems with bindings In/Out parameters
DDI Data Capture Use Case #1.
Description: Permission form for blood pressure data capture performed in a clinical setting by a nurse or clinician.
Introduction: Please complete the following fields to provide permission for collecting a blood pressure reading.
Question1: “What is your full name?”
Description: Question with two separate responses; response options are open-ended text.
- First name ___________________
- Last name ____________________
Question2: May we perform a blood pressure reading on you?
Description: Question with one response; response option is closed-ended dichotomous category.
- Yes
- No
Instructions to Interviewer/Clinician: If participant provides permission, attach blood pressure cuff and perform standard 30 second BP measure. Record blood pressure and pulse in fields below.
- Systolic blood pressure: _ _ _
- Diastolic blood pressure: _ _ _
- Pulse (beats per minute): _ _ _
First graphs:
How DDI 3.2 represents this data capture use case.
How DDI 4 will capture this use case, using represented and instance questions/measures.
DDI 4 with bindings