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Comment: Added simple codebook meeting notes from February 2, 2016

 Simple Codebook View Team


titleNovember 23, 2015

November 23, 2015

Present: Dan Gillman, Michelle Edwards, Steve McEachern, Larry Hoyle

  • We want to incorporate everything from the InstanceVaraible
  • Add in the connection to Question
  • Structure of the physical representation
  • We want to describe DDI-C using DDI4 elements.
  • Reuse would make some codebook instances shorter, Will people think that referencing RepresentedVariable and ConceptualVariable is required if those references are optional?
  •  What are the next directions for Codebook?  Think about surveying big Codebooks users, IHSN and Nesstar users in particular – along with 5-6 archives 
  • Where Nesstar goes these users will follow
  • Cost will be primary driver for folks to migrate from 2.x to 4.x – some see the benefits of the DDI-L extensions
  • We need a migration path from 2.x to 4.x
  • 4.x is flexible enough that the migration path doesn’t need to be well defined
    • Should be based on your needs and what you think is appropriate first step to reuse
  • Variable bank, question bank, and Universes/Populations may be the natural first step to migration but each may present a different migration path
  • We may be able to recommend different paths
  • ISO Community – have technical reports – series of recommendation that folks ought to follow – think of it as “Best Practices” – these may exist but they do not depict how to but rather provide guidance
  • This is something we should seriously consider doing – maybe a Grad Student project
    • Jane Greenberg, at Drexel University – great opportunity to collaborate
    • Dan G may reach out to Jane to start a conversation
  • Back to how are we going to build codebook
  • We want to create a model-based Codebook in 4.x rather than a way to create the XML from 4.x to put into 2.x


    • This way we can do things more efficiently
    • Create an attribute that states it is being used for Purpose A or Purpose B
  • We could document how the information could be transferred without having a one-to-one relationship between objects.
  • To implement codebook in 4.x we need to describe attributes and their purpose
    • Examples:
    • Title / Alternate title / Parallel title -> have an attribute with a Controlled Vocabulary for what kind of title it is
    • Similar situation for Roles – in Codebook we have a number of different roles, let’s pair that down, use Agent, with a CV and a usage attribute that states Codebook - Roles – we recommended the Credit Taxonomy.
  • 1 object that covers a number of Codebook XML elements
  • Compactness will make it easier to maintain over the years – these could include these areas:
    • Citations
    • Publications
    • Related Materials
    • Methodology
  • Cluster elements?

Goal for next Meeting – December 7, 2015:

  • Review Codebook and see how we can handle current Codebook elements
    • Clusters that can stand on their own – then figure out how we can do this
    • What we need and how to manage it – then take to modellers
  • Going forward – we will review and  look at clustering elements in the Google spreadsheet. What are different uses of the same structure?






titleFebruary 2, 2016

Codebook meeting

2 February 2016

Attending: Dan, Michelle, Steve, Oliver, Jon, Larry, Jared

There’s some lack of clarity about where this group is at.  Discussed what to include in simple codebooks.  One idea is to review the spreadsheet of common elements (summary of CESSDA) and build on that.  Essentials seem to include: enough information to read the data into statistical package, label values, understand universe, understand what measure means so you can interpret the data, attribution information.  Another idea is to look at examples of simple codebooks, identify what they use, and then map to a model.

We need to be careful to keep things simple.  Even older versions of DDI 2 weren’t exactly simple.

If we nail down definitions, then do we make instances of previous versions incompatible?  As we define what information elements we want in DDI 4.0, we can specify which element you want in 2 if you’re going backwards.  

Next steps:

  1. Michelle will go through spreadsheet and narrow down to those elements that are DDI Lite and any others that are heavily used (e.g., key words).

  2. Will paste those elements into new sheet within the spreadsheet.