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titleNovember 10, 2014

Simple Codebook Team Minutes
2014 11 10

Dan Gillman, Larry Hoyle, Jenny Linnerud, Steve McEachern, Wendy Thomas, Mary Vardigan, Wolfgang Zenk-Moeltgen


There is a spreadsheet for the archival codebook use case that lists elements used by ICPSR, CESSDA, and IHSN. Wendy will map the IHSN codebook elements to DDI 3.2 and send this to the group.

Package vs. View

The group also looked at the Simple Codebook package on the Lion Drupal site. The question was raised of whether we should still work on the Lion site since the simple codebook is still a package and not a view.

All Discovery information came from the Disco specification. We should model our own objects for Simple Codebook and then map to Disco. There hasn’t yet been a discussion yet about what is a property and what is an object.

In terms of information elements needed for codebooks, there are more things in the package than in the spreadsheet because we copied the DDI 3.2 elements and didn’t delete anything with the idea that we would need the other elements later. We moved all the objects specified as Keep from DDI 3.2 into the package.

The content groups should create a complete list of the information elements needed and then the modelers will arrange this into packages and make decisions about objects vs. properties.

Should we add all elements from package into the view? Right now we should not put in anything we are not using. We are trying to start with the essential and then add onto it.

Things go in the view on Lion if we want it in the simple DDI 4 codebook. We are compiling the list of elements used by ICPSR, CESSDA, and IHSN for the basic set of elements. The package that Wolfgang created at Dagstuhl contains additional things not in the spreadsheet. Everything from the Excel list should go into the view.

Graphs are only created for packages and not for views. This is something we will miss if we work only in the view. It doesn’t make sense to work on the Lion site until basic processes have been defined. How do we capture the results of this group?

After the EDDI sprint the whole process should be working and documentation will be produced from a view and a diagram will be produced from the nightly build. Right now things in other groups’ work (e.g., instrument) are not linked in to our codebook set of elements.

Things that need to be fixed on Lion include:

a. Arrows on aggregation and composition are the wrong way round

b. On each object the current DDI 3.2 and GSIM fields should also be rendered in View mode (they are currently only visible in Edit mode)

c. No graph appears for View, only a flat list

Wendy will relay these points to the modelers and the Lion maintainers.

Composite View Modifications

If you take elements that have been defined elsewhere in your composite view, you get everything but you may not want everything. You should be able to make a simple codebook. Someone needs to remodel it so that we can take just the portion we want.

We want to confirm what we need in our use case through the Excel spreadsheet. We need to draw a line for our first proposal for our simple codebook. The more things we decide are properties of an object, the more remodeling we will have to do when people want only some properties. Does this argue for making more things objects rather than properties? This is a tough call as we want to decrease the number of elements.

Working with Data Description

We should take a look at the Data Description modelthat came out of Dagstuhl and use that as a test because the current discussion about Datum is going to change things. What came out of Dagstuhl has had a lot of review and is considered solid. On Lion, what’s there now is the representation of what was decided at Dagstuhl and is up to date. Steve can compile this in a straightforward way and generate a view which is all the objects that will be used by Data Description. All the relevant content is in Lion.

First we need to look at the Excel list and compile the data description level and then look at the View for Data Description to make sure this matches what we need.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on November 24.



  • Wendy will complete spreadsheet with information for IHSN

  • The group will pull out the needed elements at the data description level in the Excel sheet

  • Steve will create a view of Data Description (we can flatten this if needed)

  • The group can compare the use case elements to what is in Data Description

titleSimple Codebook Meeting 2014 11 23November 23 2014

Simple Codebook Meeting Minutes
November 23, 2014


Present: Dan Gillman, Steve McEachern, Mary Vardigan

Meeting Times

The current time is midnight for Canberra, so we need to find another meeting time. 2pm EST U.S. time is the preferred time for the new year.

DDI 3.2 vs. 4

We are thinking in terms of forward compatibility so that everything in 3.* is covered in 4. This is not the best approach. Rather, we should solve the problem we want to solve and then worry about how to map it after we have solved it.

Framing happens unconsciously -- the circumstances of how you think about a problem constrains the way you are conceiving it.

Still it’s worth having a look at what we have right now to see what the overlap is.

By sticking with the nicely defined distinction between logical and physical we can be more precise going forward.

There is not too much not actually covered in 4 but it is going to be reorganized.

Next Steps

Steve will compare the spreadsheet to Data Description in 4 to determine how they map and overlap.
