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 Simple Codebook View Team


title2017_01_17 Simple Codebook Minutes

Simple Codebook Meeting 2017-01-17

Attendees: Jared Lyle, Dan Gillman, Larry Hoyle

The group discussed the remaining needed information items for simple codebook from the google sheet

We discussed Embargo and Security. Do these need to be attached to more than Study and InstanceVariable?

For the Methodology related items we discussed creating realizations of the Methodology class.

This raised questions to be raised with the Modeling group:

Where does Embargo go?  (one proposal: in Annotation)

               Or Embargo relationship from InstanceVariable

Where should security information go? (one proposal: in Annotation)

               Access from InstanceVariable


Make a Methodology realization   to use overview for:

               TimeMethodology  (0..1)

               SamplingMethodology  (0..1)

               DataCollectMethodology (0..1)

… (more)

               OtherMethodology  (0..n)


InstanceVariable (ConceptualVariable?) points to            




Need Methodology at the high level - do we need all of the classes it relates to as well?

For derivation we need to add Design and Algorithm


General question for modeling- how do you add in just part of a pattern?

titleMeeting 2016_11_22

Simple Codebook Meeting 2016-11-22


Dan Gilman, Oliver Hopt, Larry Hoyle

We discussed a YAML template of the codebook view and looked at it in NotePad++.  This revealed the complexity of the model (20992 lines in the template) which should probably be discussed in the Modeling Team.

The YAML template was produced by a small Python program that reads the xmi.xml from the lion site, parses it and produces the YAML.

We discussed the possibility of having a YAML template accessible for each DDI4 class either through the nightly build or from lion.

 The codebook YAML template is available in the list of files on the Simple Codebook Team page.


titleFebruary 2, 2016

Codebook meeting

2 February 2016

Attending: Dan, Michelle, Steve, Oliver, Jon, Larry, Jared

There’s some lack of clarity about where this group is at.  Discussed what to include in simple codebooks.  One idea is to review the spreadsheet of common elements (summary of CESSDA) and build on that.  Essentials seem to include: enough information to read the data into statistical package, label values, understand universe, understand what measure means so you can interpret the data, attribution information.  Another idea is to look at examples of simple codebooks, identify what they use, and then map to a model.

We need to be careful to keep things simple.  Even older versions of DDI 2 weren’t exactly simple.

If we nail down definitions, then do we make instances of previous versions incompatible?  As we define what information elements we want in DDI 4.0, we can specify which element you want in 2 if you’re going backwards.  

Next steps:

  • Michelle will go through spreadsheet and narrow down to those elements that are DDI Lite and any others that are heavily used (e.g., key words).

  • Will paste those elements into new sheet within the spreadsheet.
