Coming from Frankfurt Airport it is strongly recommended to take a combination of train and taxi. The trip requires approx. 2.5 hours altogether. Take the direct train (29.90 Euro) from Frankfurt Airport (“Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Regionalbf”, regional train station) to Tuerkismuehle (“Türkismühle”, direction “Saarbrücken Hbf”). Tickets can be bought at the train station in the airport or on-line. It isn't possible to purchase tickets on the trains. Please note that Frankfurt airport has two train stations: the regional train station ("Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Regionalbf") and the long-distance train station ("Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf"). Take a taxi from Tuerkismuehle to Dagstuhl (43.00 Euro). Make arrangements for the taxi at least three days in advance (further rates and contact details). Payment for the taxi is only possible in cash (Euro). The participants list will be distributed three two weeks before the workshop. People can get then in contact for possible sharing of taxis or rental cars.
- Parallel to the DDI workshop, an official Dagstuhl seminar will take place with approx. 40 people. The leisure rooms are shared with that group. It is an informatics seminar with the title "Universality of Proofs".
- The week after this DDI workshop, another DDI workshop takes place in Dagstuhl with the title "DDI Moving Forward: Improvement and Refinement of Selected Areas".
- Overview on previous events on DDI at Dagstuhl.