Dagstuhl Sprint, October 2016 (Week One)

Dagstuhl Sprint, October 2016 (Week One)


As the expansion of the model-driven DDI standard continues, the need to work collaboratively and to ensure interoperability between DDI and other metadata standards becomes more apparent. To realize these goals, this workshop will bring together representatives from the following standards producing and related organizations: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and RDF community, Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX), Research Data Alliance (RDA), Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM), health standards, DDI, and other related standards. The meeting will focus on the review of the current DDI work, discuss how best to work collaboratively, how to be aware of each standard’s developments, and to investigate opportunities for developing joint projects. This is a continuation of a similar workshop in 2015.


  1. Better align of the DDI4 model with other related specifications.
  2. Identify solutions to issues of interoperability for applications using multiple standards.
  3. Explore future cooperation around the development and usage of metadata specifications.

See also the Dagstuhl webpage for this event.

Further Information:

Materials for Use in Sprint
Documents for Sprint

  File Modified

JPEG File statue-724871_1920.jpg

May 10, 2016 by Jared Alan Lyle

PDF File copenhagen-sprint-2015-report.pdf

May 10, 2016 by Jared Alan Lyle

ZIP Archive copenhagen-sprint-2015-2015-12-07.zip

May 10, 2016 by Jared Alan Lyle

PDF File Interoperability.pdf

Sept 14, 2016 by Wendy Thomas

PDF File DagstuhlMeetingRooms.pdf

Oct 17, 2016 by Joachim Wackerow

Microsoft Word Document SpecificationFeatureMatrix.docx

Oct 18, 2016 by Michelle Edwards (Unlicensed)

PDF File Report_Provenance of Data and Metadata_FINAL.pdf

Nov 30, 2016 by Michelle Edwards (Unlicensed)

PDF File RDF_Bindings_For_Statistical_Data_and_Metadata_Tuesday_1A.pdf

Nov 30, 2016 by Michelle Edwards (Unlicensed)

PDF File DD-R.pdf

Nov 30, 2016 by Michelle Edwards (Unlicensed)

Papers and Outputs from Sprint

The following are documents created during the Sprint. Please review to see what was discussed and accomplished during the week.

Provenance - Overview and IntroductionDocument
RDF bindings for statistical data and metadataDocument
Data Description in R (DD-R)Document

Preparing for the Sprint

In preparation, please review the following documents:

Read TheseLink
Final Report from Dagstuhl 2015Document
Recommendations from Dagstuhl 2015Document
Biosketches & Links to Metadata SpecificationsDocument

See also list of Further Information items at the end of the left hand column on this page.

Local Information

The Dagstuhl Sprint takes place 17-21 October 2016 at Schloss Dagstuhl.

See the separate page for practical information.

Darren BellUKDS - UK Data ServiceDDI-C, DDI-L, RDF

Gary Berg-Cross

RDA - Research Data AllianceOntologies, RDA
Klas BlomqvistStatistics SwedenGSIM, SDMX
Nick CarGeoscience AustraliaProvenance, GML
Guillaume DuffesINSEE - French National Institute of Statistics and Economic StudiesDDI, GSIM, RDF
Michelle EdwardsCISER - Cornell Institute for Social and Economic ResearchDDI
Dan GillmanBLS - U.S. Bureau of Labor StatisticsDDI, ISO/IEC 11179 Metadata registries, GSIM
Jay GreenfieldBooz Allen HamiltonDDI, Health standards
Arofan GregoryAeon TechnologiesDDI, SDMX, GSIM
Larry Hoyle

University of Kansas
Institute for Policy & Social Research

Gregg KelloggKellogg Associates, W3C - World Wide Web ConsortiumCSVW, JSON-LD
Deirdre LungleyUKDS - UK Data ServiceDDI-C, DDI-L, RDF
Jared LyleUniversity of Michigan
ICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research
Steve McEachern

Australian National University
Australian Data Archives

Daniella Meeker

University of Southern California
Clinical Research Informatics

Health standards
Barrie NelsonCDISC - Clinical Data Interchange Standards ConsortiumCDISC
Eric Prud'hommeauxW3C - World Wide Web ConsortiumRDF, FHIR, SHACL
Flavio RizzoloStatistics CanadaDDI, GSIM/LIM
Wendy Thomas

University of Minnesota
Minnesota Population Center

DDI, ISO19115
Joachim WackerowGESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social SciencesDDI
Benjamin ZapilkoGESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social SciencesRDF, DDI

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