Dagstuhl Sprint, October 2017 (Week Two)

Dagstuhl Sprint, October 2017 (Week Two)



The DDI (Data Documentation Initiative) metadata standard, originally created in 1995 to document social science research data, has in recent years become relevant to new user groups, including the official statistics and medical research communities. In order to respond to these new users, DDI is developing a model-based specification (DDI Version 4) that can be expressed in XML Schema, RDF-S/OWL, relational database schema, and program languages. Such a data model will make it easier to interact with other disciplines and other standards, to understand the specification, to develop and maintain it in a consistent and structured way, and to enable software development that is less dependent on specific DDI versions.


The overall goal of both DDI workshops in Dagstuhl 2017 is to combine the good and mature parts of the work of the last years in order to have three working functional views, a working class library, the resulting bindings and a working production framework. This will be an important step for the publication of a pilot of DDI 4 which is planned for publication in the middle of 2018. The pilot should prove that the new approaches of DDI 4 work and make sense. This includes especially the model-driven approach, the functional views, and the datum-based data description.

The three planned functional views are Data Description, Data Capture, and Codebook. The goal is to have working functional views with core sets of items (in contrast of functional views which cover everything in the specific area). Additional features can be added to the views in future.

Existing work should be used, refined, and integrated. Start of new work should be minimized and only focus on missing parts which could block the finalization of working components.

Issues in this work – especially missing parts – should be described with underlying reasoning and plan for resolution (including priority level)

All working areas can be understood as a building block for the goal described above. Additionally, work will be done on strategic documents including the plan for a DDI-based infrastructure, the future strategic plan, and mission and guiding principles.


The workshop will focus on six main areas of work:

Integration of Data Description and Data Capture

It is very important that these two core areas are integrated. Identification and resolution of issues are crucial.

Data Description

  • The middle term goal is to have a Functional View with all related features of DDI Lifecycle 3.2 including mapping documentation. A core set of features should be described which are planned for publication. The work will focus on this core set.

Data Capture

  • The middle term goal is to have a Functional View with all related features of DDI Lifecycle 3.2 including mapping will focus on this core set.


  • Integrative support for achieving the goals of the three Functional Views mentioned above.
  • Introduction of maturity levels with indication of the maturity of classes in the library (possibly in relationship to the version). Maturity level and version information is crucial on the model level not necessarily on the level of the bindings.

Use Cases

  • Description of major use cases and what DDI 4 can do for them. This work should focus in the workshops on the core sets of items which are realized in the three functional views.

Strategic Documents

Draft Agenda

Review of updated documents    Lead: AchimWho: Chuck, George, Mari, Hossein, Jon, Wendy





Monday AM


Monday PM

Review of current model status,

Identification of DD/DC integration requirements/Review of Codebook requirements for DD/DC


Lead: Larry/Wendy

Who: Arofan, Dan, Jay, Ingo, Jon, Knut, Wendy, Barry, Steve

Outline of use case work program





Lead: Jon

Who: Esra, Kelly, Sanda, Wolfgang

Review of vision statement

Outline of proposed updates



Lead: Bill

Who: Achim, Chuck, George, Ingo, Jay, Larry, Mari, Hossein,Steve

Tuesday AM

DD/DC integration




 Lead: Larry/Wendy

Who: Arofan, Dan, Jay, Jon, Knut, Wendy

Scoping of use cases




 Lead: Jon

Who: Esra, Kelly, Sanda, Wolfgang

Review and assessment of base documents 

Lead: Bill

Who: Achim, Chuck, George, Ingo, Mari, Hossein

Tuesday PM

DD/DC integration



Lead: Larry/Wendy

Who: Arofan, Dan, Jay, Jon, Knut, Wendy, Barry

Scoping of use cases


Lead: Jon

Who: Esra, Kelly, Sanda, Wolfgang

Small Group Writing


Lead: Bill

Who: Achim, Chuck, George, Ingo, Mari, Hossein

Wednesday AM

Remodelling of DD/DC as required

Documentation as assigned


Lead: Larry/Wendy

Who: Arofan, Dan, Jay, Wendy, Ingo, Knut, Steve

Use cases






Lead: Wolfgang

Who: Esra, Kelly, Sanda, Bill, Mari

SDMX overview

Outline of technical requirements


 Lead: Achim

Who: Chuck, George, Ingo, Jay, Mari, Hossein, Steve, Bill

Wednesday PM

2:00pm use case exchange

Review of current modelling status

Outline of modelling team work activities

4:00pm Call w/ Barry/Dan S. in S005

Lead: Wendy

Who: Arofan, Dan, Jay, Knut, Larry, Barry, Oliver

2:00pm use case exchange

Use cases



Lead: Jon

Who: Esra, KH, Sanda, Wolfgang, Bill, Mari

2:00pm use case exchange

Review of updated documents


Lead: Achim

Who: Chuck, George, Mari, Hossein, Jon, Wendy

Thursday AM

DD/DC work




Lead: Wendy

Who: Arofan, Dan, Jay, Larry, Knut, Oliver

Use Cases integration w/ DD/DC use cases


 Lead: Jon

Who: Esra, Kelly, Sanda, Wolfgang

Review outline of vision, high-level technical definition, prototype, and guiding principles. 

Lead: Steve

Who: Achim, Dana (ThF), Maggie (ThF), Bill, Chuck, George, Mari

Thursday PM

Modelling team review


4:00pm call w/Dan S.


Lead: Wendy

Who: Arofan, Dan, Jay, Larry, Knut, Oliver

Connecting Use cases to DD/DC/CB


Lead: Jon

Who: Esra, KH, Sanda, Wolfgang

Outline strategic plan

3:30pm call w/Barry (kaiserslautern)

Lead: Steve

Who: Achim, Dana (ThF), Maggie (ThF), Bill, Chuck, George, Mari

Friday AM

Data Description / Data Capture separate work

Lead: Wendy/Larry

Who: Arofan, Dan, Jay, Larry, Knut, Oliver

Documentation of Use cases

Lead: Jon

Who: Esra, Kelly, Sanda, Wolfgang

Plan for future work, continue strategic plan work

Lead: Steve

Who: Achim, Dana (ThF), Maggie (ThF), Bill, Chuck, George, Mari

Friday PM

Modelling team review



Lead: Wendy

Who: Arofan, Dan, Jay, Larry, Knut, Oliver

Documentation of Use cases



Lead: Jon

Who: waifs and strays

Strategic planning

Lead: Steve

Who: Achim, Dana (ThF), Maggie (ThF), Bill, Chuck, George, Mari)

Local Information

Dates: October 23 - 27, 2017

The workshop takes place at Schloss Dagstuhl. It has the Dagstuhl event number 17433 and a related web page.

See the separate page for practical information.

First NameLast NameOrganization
HosseinAbroshanCESSDA ERIC - Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (European Research Infrastructure)
EsraAkdenizGESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
GeorgeAlterPopulation Studies Center, University of Michigan
IngoBarkowHTW Chur, University of Applied Sciences
WilliamBlockCISER - Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research
KellyChatainSurvey Research Center, University of Michigan
DanGillmanU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
LarryHoyleInstitute for Policy & Social Research, University of Kansas
ChuckHumphreyPortage Network, Canadian Association of Research Libraries
SandaIonescuInteruniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), University of Michigan
JonJohnsonUK Data Archive
MariKleemolaFinnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD)
MargaretLevensteinInteruniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), University of Michigan
JaredLyleInteruniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), University of Michigan
StevenMcEachernAustralian Data Archives, Australian National University
DanaMüllerResearch Data Centre (FDZ) of the Federal Employment Agency, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
WendyThomasMinnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota
JoachimWackerowGESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
KnutWenzigGerman Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
WolfgangZenk-MöltgenGESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

  File Modified

PDF File DDIMissionAndPrinciples20120914.pdf

Aug 06, 2017 by Joachim Wackerow

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation InfrastructureVision_JW_2017-05-20v2.pptx Presentation in the annual DDI Alliance meetigns 2017

Sept 04, 2017 by Joachim Wackerow

PDF File DDI_Alliance_Report_FINAL_110511.pdf

Oct 13, 2017 by Joachim Wackerow

PDF File Dagstuhl 2017 Week 02 Draft Agenda.pdf

Oct 17, 2017 by Kelly A Chatain (Unlicensed)

PDF File Welcome_und_Grundriss_neu - Week1.pdf

Oct 22, 2017 by Kelly A Chatain (Unlicensed)

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Intro_Dagstuhl2017_wk2.pptx

Oct 23, 2017 by Kelly A Chatain (Unlicensed)

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation GoalsWeek2.pptx

Oct 23, 2017 by Kelly A Chatain (Unlicensed)

PDF File Report from Week Two of DDI Dagstuhl Sprint.pdf

Jan 19, 2018 by Kelly A Chatain (Unlicensed)

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