Outstanding slide decks and actions
Data quality slide deck; Kaia Kulla - version from Jan 25 - we will revisit this in the next meeting if not discussed via email before then
Concepts; Dan Gillman - version 5
feedback from Flavio at StatCan: include step-by-step guide on how to organize concepts and distinguishing between them and variables, and at what level (the cascade) together with how to put that all that together with unit types and representations
A practical guide/example would be a separate slide deck likely, and falls more in line with the unit type deck
Feedback from today’s meeting
slide 9 title - consider editing to “Examples of Concepts - Real and Imagined”; Slide 10 title would be effected as well
define concept example in slide 9 - the concept is “apple”
Dan plans to rethink slides 9-10 and if both are needed - maybe switch order
consider removing slide on “using extensions”; also consider “extensions” - this word could be confusing
Slide 16 - need some more help remembering what designation is (last used in slide 13); also “some representation” could be “a representation”
Clarify connections between terms and examples
Dan will update the slides and resend
Universe, pops, units, unit types deck - version from Jan 19 - revisit later
add to Gesisbox when ready
Training Exercises; Training Materials Intro deck; Examples; Hayley Mills - still in progress
Hilde Orten (Unlicensed) can check with Arofan on some of these examples; pending
Programmer’s Intro to DDI - Dan; pending
Questions and questionnaires slide deck - Hayley (part of Training Fair for EDDI)
Process of getting the slide decks signed off- We previously agreed with Jared that we would send them to the scientific board for approval and to inform the Exec. We will need to do this for the slide decks we have finalised:
We need to decide whether we want to do this before or after final editing/formatting by Shelly- perhaps once the concepts, quality and universe/units slide decks have been finalised as well?
The scientific board trusts the training slides group
Shelly has a standardized template (width, logos, descriptive image text, consistent fonts, etc); some decks have been published already on Zenodo if we want to see them
Let’s try sending one to Shelly then the scientific board
Hayley contacted Shelly about these two; Kathryn will follow up
Content Comparison