Training Working Group
Group actions
- Please read the latest SB workplan Scientific Work Plan 2024-2026 DRAFT.docx.pdf
- TWG mandate for years 2024-2026
- Record of activities for year 2023-2024 (completed)
The purpose of the Training Group is to:
- Ensure that our goals align and build on the DDI Alliance Scientific Work Plan.
- Introduce people to DDI and improve people's competence in working with DDI.
- Promote deeper understanding of DDI’s work products by addressing specific topics.
- Gear training to specific audiences as appropriate (for example, by beginning to set up training materials and events in languages other than English).
- Develop expertise within the Working Group for carrying out training.
- Maintain a training library with updated training material in languages other than English for reuse
See Mandate
- Completed - Gap Analysis
- Completed - Training Website
- Belongs to Tech Committee/Inactive/subject to overall site changes - Getting Started page
Useful documents:
Template for slides: DDITL_template-270923.pptx and Theme1.thmx
Official DDI Training Materials - These DDI training materials are approved products of the DDI Alliance. Intended for re-use.
DDI Training Community - Applied training. Anyone may submit their DDI training materials to this community.
Group email: or
italicized indicates inactive TWG meeting attendance
Name | Organisation | Sub Group | |
Kathryn Lavender (Co-chair) | ICPSR | Slides | |
Hayley Mills (on leave) | CLOSER | On leave 2024-25 | |
Alina Danciu | SciencesPo | Slides | |
Adrian Dusa | RODA | | |
Daniel Gillman | US BLS | Slides | |
Arofan Gregory | Consultant | Webinars | |
Kaia Kulla | Statistics Estonia | Slides | |
Jared Lyle | DDI Alliance | SB | |
Hilde Orten | SIKT | SB | |
Christophe Dzikowski | INSEE | SB | |
Flavio Rizzolo (Scientific Board contact) | Statistics Canada | SB | |
Catharina Wasner (on mat leave) | GIGA | on leave 2024-2025 | |
Catherine Yuen | Understanding Society | Slides Chair | |
Jennifer Zeiger | ICPSR | Requests and Training Opps Chair | |
Alicia Urquidi Diaz | Scholars Portal | Webinars Chair | |
Thibaud Ritzenthaler | INED | Questions group | |
Jieun Jeong | SciencesPo | | |
Irene Koraki Folli | University of Essex | Requests and Training Opps | |
Chantal Vaillancourt (Co-chair) | Stats Canada | Co-chair | |
Meeting Notes for current and previous years
The Training Group meets the first Tuesday of every other month at 9 am (EST) / 2 pm (UTC) / 3 pm (CET) / 4 pm (CAT/EET) using Zoom.
The meeting months are scheduled for: January; March; May; July; September; November.
To join the meeting online please see agenda.
Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Please set yourself on mute when you are not speaking to prevent background noises.
Actions which are not specific to each sub-group activities listed below
- Alina DANCIU to add RDA slides to Zenodo.
- Use new workplan to advertise what we do and recruit new members.
- Contact and set up a meeting to understand what CODATA RDA schools do/teach and what they would be interested in Jennifer Zeiger to ask Laura for any info about background for this.
- All to discuss location of suggested training sets. No decision made on the location (website, google doc…). Next steps?