Training Working Group

Training Working Group

Group actions

Role and Purpose of Group

The purpose of the Training Group is to:

  • Ensure that our goals align and build on the DDI Alliance Scientific Work Plan.
  • Introduce people to DDI and improve people's competence in working with DDI.
  • Promote deeper understanding of DDI’s work products by addressing specific topics.
  • Gear training to specific audiences as appropriate (for example, by beginning to set up training materials and events in languages other than English).
  • Develop expertise within the Working Group for carrying out training.
  • Maintain a training library with updated training material in languages other than English for reuse

See Mandate



Official DDI Training Materials - These DDI training materials are approved products of the DDI Alliance. Intended for re-use.

DDI Training Community - Applied training. Anyone may submit their DDI training materials to this community. 

Group Members

Group email:

icpsr-ddi-training@umich.edu or icpsr-ddi-training@googlegroups.com 


italicized indicates inactive TWG meeting attendance

NameOrganisationSub GroupE-Mail

Kathryn Lavender (Co-chair)

Hayley Mills (on leave)CLOSEROn leave 2024-25h.mills@ucl.ac.uk
Alina DanciuSciencesPoSlidesalina.danciu@sciencespo.fr
Adrian DusaRODA
Daniel GillmanUS BLSSlides


Arofan GregoryConsultantWebinarsilg21@yahoo.com
Kaia KullaStatistics EstoniaSlides


Jared LyleDDI AllianceSBlyle@umich.edu
Hilde OrtenSIKTSB


Christophe DzikowskiINSEESBchristophe.dzikowski@insee.fr

Flavio Rizzolo (Scientific Board contact)

Statistics CanadaSBflavio.rizzolo@statcan.gc.ca
Catharina Wasner (on mat leave)GIGAon leave 2024-2025catharina.wasner@giga-hamburg.de
Catherine YuenUnderstanding SocietySlides Chaircatherine.yuen@essex.ac.uk
Jennifer ZeigerICPSRRequests and Training Opps Chair


Alicia Urquidi Diaz Scholars Portal
Webinars Chairalicia.urquidi@utoronto.ca
Thibaud Ritzenthaler INEDQuestions groupthibaud.ritzenthaler@ined.fr
Jieun Jeong SciencesPo

Irene Koraki Folli 

University of EssexRequests and Training Oppsekorak@essex.ac.uk
Chantal Vaillancourt (Co-chair)Stats CanadaCo-chairchantal.vaillancourt@statcan.gc.ca

Meeting Notes for current and previous years

Meeting Time and Connection Information

The Training Group meets the first Tuesday of every other month at 9 am (EST) / 2 pm (UTC) / 3 pm (CET) / 4 pm (CAT/EET) using Zoom.

The meeting months are scheduled for: January; March; May; July; September; November. 

To join the meeting online please see agenda.

Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Please set yourself on mute when you are not speaking to prevent background noises.

Ongoing actions

Actions which are not specific to each sub-group activities listed below

  • Alina DANCIU to add RDA slides to Zenodo.
  • Use new workplan to advertise what we do and recruit new members. 
  • Contact and set up a meeting to understand what CODATA RDA schools do/teach and what they would be interested in Jennifer Zeiger to ask Laura for any info about background for this.
  • All to discuss location of suggested training sets. No decision made on the location (website, google doc…). Next steps?

Archived Files (drafts, old versions, etc.)

Social Platforms

x/Twitter: https://twitter.com/DDIAlliance

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12971433/

LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/DDItraining

This questionnaire helps us determine interest and availability of people who are or want to be involved in DDI training related activities, such as webinars, training requests, and more. We plan to share this at least once a year but not more than quarterly, and with new members as they join.

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