Attendees: Cat, Kathryn, Hayley, Alina, Dan, Kaia, Nicole, Irene
From last meeting:
Discuss which slide decks to work on this year (from webinars), added to Spreadsheet and Lucidspark. Reminder: Please add your name to the “who with” column if you have the latest version of the slide deck.
Any feedback for new confluence main page? Any idea how to re-do the drag and drop function for uploading files?
Korean tranlation -
Current deck statuses:
DDITL_12_1_0_Data_Quality_Webinar - Kaia will finish off Use DDITL_12_1_0_Data_Quality_Apr2024.pptx from Kathryn? Any more comments?
DDITL_11_1_0_Understanding_Metadata_Feb2023 deck - TG feedback already applied; Dan and Kathryn will work together to finalize
Korean tranlation - Should finish within 2 weeks, then we can try and contact Asian CESSDA and go from there. Alina has sent the 3 slide decks that were translated to Korean to Seoul National Univerisity for review, thanks Alina!
Protocol for translations - one person to translate, someone else to review, meeting to discuss with people involved for final decision
Link translated slide decks to original slide deck - Alina to link and add to documentation
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yVKMVbc3HJZkxG-hYYTSqPBX0L2KNzm_3OngEBG5lUQ/edit - funding requests by 12th April
Funding requests for 2024 -2025 fiscal year - submitted for translating 3 slide decks (those that were translated to French) to Japanese for USD$1,000