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ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Oliver, Darren, Jeremy, Dan
CDI update

Roadmap/timeline requirement
There are documents on what is required and funding for implementation was part of this years request. They will prioritize this work product. Achim is back on Sept 11 and we should get roadmap and timeline shortly afterwards. Achim and Deirdre will work with Oliver on setting up pipelines in established DDI production work areas.

CDI timeline
They plan on submitting the package for voting process by Friday 20 September. Out goal will be to get it turned around by 27 September or shortly thereafter. Tentative date for the webinar is Thursday 3 October (of following week if necessary). The voting period should start within a 3-7 window on either side of this date. Wendy will coordinate with Jared. I noted that we will still be running a dual website at that point so the presentation of products may shift some pre- and post-voting period.

CV update
Request for DNS change should be made in next few days and be functional approximately 48 later. This will then be tested, followed by deployment, and then set up of RDF vocabulary resolution platform. Arofan will check on status 3 September.

Sanda wants to do more changes on the home page. Should be live next week. Entry shifts from Jared to Darren

HubSpot update
HubSpot needs to switch to US HubSpot outlet
Jon is talking to Jared on Monday to get the quote sorted and processed
We have a contact on the finance end at DDI
Darren has export .5 GIG of files and tables

Oliver - website transition

  • Tried importing the News item and then stumbled into nightmare of html from work imports. Think of transferring last 2-3 years of news by hand into the system.

  • Do yearly dump to PDF of news items.

  • Make sure this is ok with Jared and note it as a policy.

  • waiting for DNS change

Product section

  • What is going where and how is this organized

  • the doc site will contain information for people technically implementing

  • Web will have informative text content for understanding individual products. Add links to key product content:

    • Technical/Implementation button

    • How to make this visual being able to use useful glif/icons

    • Just waiting for the new DNS update

Presentation proposal for EDDI on Roadmap


Meeting summary for Technical Committee (08/22/2024)

Quick recap

The team discussed issues related to payment processing and the need for a new management system, with a focus on using Hubspot's American side. They also reviewed the roadmap for upcoming projects, including the Achim's project, CDI timeline, and the need to update internal links. Lastly, they deliberated on the organization and layout of content on their website and Hubspot pages, and the importance of managing ongoing tasks.

Next steps

• All team members to review the roadmap document and provide comments on priorities and changes needed for the coming year before the next TC meeting.
• Dan to work on implementing icons or glyphs for common elements (e.g. documentation, downloads) on the product pages once the DNS entry is updated.
• DDI team to finalize the product section organization and content flow between the website and technical documentation.


Payment Processing and Roadmap Discussion
Wendy and Jon discussed issues related to payment processing and the need to find a new way to manage it. They decided to start using the American side of Hubspot to resolve the payment issue, with Jared's assistance. Darren had downloaded all necessary files to rebuild if needed. They also discussed the need to update internal links and identify moved documents. Lastly, Wendy presented a draft roadmap for the upcoming year, which would be updated online for priorities, timelines, and modifications.

Project Timelines and Database Import
The team discussed the roadmap timeline requirements for the CDI project, with Arofan's funding request for $9,000 (setting up the pipeline was part of the request and will be prioritized by the CDI group). The Achim is back on September 11th, and is a key component for this work. The CDI timeline included submitting a package for voting by September 20th, with a webinar planned for October 3rd.

Oliver and Darren discussed the process of importing a database and considered transferring the last two to three years of news into Hubspot. The CV update involved a request for DNS change expected to be functional within 48 hours. Darren planned to make changes to the home page after the redirection from the control recoveries Page was complete.

TC's Roadmap and Prioritization Discussion
Wendy presented a roadmap for TC work and asked for input on what needs to be expanded, changed, or prioritized. Wendy noted that the last cycle of certain product developments would be completed this year. Wendy also mentioned the need to shift focus to tools for assisting with usage and production management. Wendy asked for feedback on prioritizing tasks for this year and identifying any projects that can't be dropped.

updates regarding web site, Hubspot, and docs site.

Wendy and Darren discussed the ongoing work on the Hubspot and the need to reset it with the US side due to address-related issues. Darren confirmed that he had captured all the content to prevent loss. An issue with the docs site was raised by Dan, as the DNS still hadn't been added to the site. (Note this has now been accomplished). Lastly, Wendy brought up the product section, which she and Darren had been working on, and proposed to discuss its progress and vision in the next meeting.

Website Content Organization and Layout
Wendy and Dan discussed the organization and layout of content on their website and Hubspot pages. Wendy expressed a need for a clearer understanding of the flow from website pages to the options set up on the other side (docs and github content). Dan explained that the site would be for people wanting to learn more or technically implement one of the products, and suggested using icons to indicate different types of content. They also discussed the need to wait for a new DNS entry before making links, and the possibility of adding a page with all the versions of a product. The group also needed to decide what content needed to be included and where.

CDI Project Progress and Roadmap
Wendy emphasized the importance of managing ongoing tasks and the potential acceleration of the CDI project. A polished proposal for Eddie was requested, with feedback on the presentation also sought. The team discussed the CDI's roadmap plans, including automation funding and pipeline setup. Issues with CDI 1.0 and 1.1 versions were addressed, with Jeremy advising against releasing multiple incompatible schemas (CDI-101). The conversation ended without any significant decisions or action items, with Darren, Dan, and Oliver offering their availability for future communication.

title2024-08015 08-15 DAY 3 TC F2F

ATTENDEES: Wendy, Oliver, Jon, Darren, Jeremy, Dan

Thanks to Jon for replenishing various caffeine supplies.

Home page

Editing page

Inventory of pages and status

Notes for editing guide:
From Website Pages
pulldown More tools [Advanced Menus]
Brings up Navigation menu

Select parent page and hover over white space at right of box to get Action icon
Click on Action

Change name and title
Update slug on URL to short meaningful NCNAME


  • Remaining subpages for Learn DONE

  • Events - DONE

  • CDI review ticket - Jeremy DONE

  • Products have been moved DONE (down through product page - version pages being shifted to GitHub location)

  • Data cleaning on data driven pages DONE

  • Working group presentations to the web site from confluence DONE

  • Documents have all been moved (copied) DONE

  • Databases have been moved and now drive pages: Tools, Members, Contact (need review and pulling things together) DONE

  • Currently importing all announcements (can take 6+ hours) DONE

  • 4 automated build pipelines are now in (ddi-l 4.0, ddi-l 4.0 guidelines document, SDTL and CV) DONE


  • wlt - Correcting internal page links from new site to site - Wendy will correct these this weekend DONE

  • Testing of new domain

  • Review organization/navigation and make known changes at least in Products (TC area)

  • Add link to Dan's site on for product content from the basic product page

  • wlt - Go through and change DDI-L to DDI-Lifecycle etc to be consistent (DDI-CDI, DDI-C, Disco, SDTL, XKOS) DONE

  • New site announcement to members/users (will complete closer to changeover date) - write Jared a newsletter piece on progress

  • Brand/style guidelines - including consistent navigation approach
