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1) Regular column in DDI newsletter about metadata

Knut will write a regular column (small review) in the DDI newsletter about DDI and metadata in general. One of the goals will be to promote to the DDI community that they can write scientific publications about their work.

2) Publications - reference catalog (e.g., Bibsonomy) for DDI publications and presentations

Decided to use Bibsonomy to index the following content: Working Paper Series, Formal Papers & Articles, Conference Presentations, and Archive.

To do:

  • Kelly will check with Michael at ICPSR about using the Bibsonomy API to display DDI content on the DDI Alliance web site.

  • We need a volunteer to transfer the publication/presentation metadata to Bibsonomy (Some are already available in a preliminary name space:

3) Publications - archiving content

Decided to use existing repositories, including the University of Michigan’s institutional repository, DeepBlue, to archive DDI publications/presentations.  This means content will be archived in a long-lived repository with a persistent citation.

To do:

  • Kelly will check on establishing a DDI collection within DeepBlue.

  • We need a volunteer to ensure all existing content gets archived in a repository.

  • We need a volunteer (same person?) to coordinate future publications/presentations are archived -- e.g., EDDI, IASSIST, and NADDI presentations. (Knut will archive the presentations from EDDI15 and add their metadata to

4) Working Paper Series - consistent template for working papers

Decided to recommend consistent standards for working papers, including: title page (with branding), serial number (ISSN 2153-8247), and number of the paper.

To do:

  • Achim will generate the recommended template.

  • Achim will retrofit the existing working papers, including numbering chronologically.

Future items:

5) Working Paper Series - increasing visibility of the series on the web site and in publication indices.

6) How can it be better supported that people publish on DDI topics? What could be the benefits for authors?  It is important that work is not only presented on conferences or discussed in workshops but it should be published as well.  Here is a list of publication possibilities with increasing challenges but also increasing credits: 1. DDI Alliance Working Paper Series, 2. EDDI Full Papers, 3. IASSIST Quarterly (especially the special issues on DDI topics), 4. Social Science Computer Review (some important older papers on DDI are published there), various Data Science journals. 


In attendance: Kelly Chatain (notetaker), Jared Lyle, Achim Wackerow, Marcel Hebing, Knut Wenzig, Barry Radler


Every DDI-related publication and presentation will have a record in BibSonomy.

Knut has the following notes on user behavior in BibSonomy:

Need to finalize list of tags to be used in BibSonomy (in addition to standard citation information).

(green star)Action item: Kelly will create wiki page with list of current tags. Group will update and make suggestions.

(green star)Action item: Knut will add the remaining DDI publications from the website to BibSonomy.

(green star)Action item: Kelly to work with Knut and Achim on the creation of a straight bibliography in Drupal (Michael Iannacconne is currently creating it) to be presented at EDDI in December.

(green star)Action item: Kelly will look at the search functionality with Michael and see if there is anything we can accomplish before EDDI.


Originally discussed depositing DDI Alliance official publications in the University of Michigan’s Institutional Repository and then other files in Zenodo, but it doesn’t make sense to have them in two places (U-M won’t accept non-U-M work). We should use one long-term repository for all DDI Alliance-related materials.

Licensing is a key concern for adding conference presentations to a repository. Once a creative commons license has been granted it cannot be revoked, which means the author of the presentation must own the rights to all content in their presentations (or correctly attribute 3rd party content) before granting the license. The question is to what degree is the DDI Alliance responsible for ensuring that license is legally granted?

(green star)Action item: Kelly to ask U-M librarians about licensing and conference presentations. Kelly will also ask about different repository options for conference presentations.

(green star)Action item: Kelly, Knut, Marcel to do more research on licensing and examples from other conference proceedings, including EDDI and its Open Conference System.

(green star)Action item: per research results, draft language for communications with authors of presentations for depositing into a repository.

(green star)Action item: Kelly to create a wiki page to capture licensing discussion and content

DDI Newsletter:

Discussed quarterly publishing schedule. Proposed and accepted:

  • February - to include EDDI recap, Annual Meeting notice, NADDI notice
  • May - to include NADDI recap
  • July - to include IASSIST and Annual Meeting recap
  • November/December - to include Dagstuhl workshop recap

Future Calls:

Should be more frequent.

(green star)Action item: Jared to schedule next call for 2017