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DDI 4 Review Period
This is a reminder that we are coming up to the end of the projected 3 month period for the DDI 4 Prototype Review Period. Please submit your issues and comments before Monday, February 4, 2019.
EDDI Conference
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Early Registration is still available for the 2018 2019 North American Data Documentation Initiative Conference (NADDI) being held at the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C. on April 5-6, 2018Statistics Canada on April 25-26, 2019. Workshops are being held on April 4th24th.
The theme for NADDI 20182019, ‘Benefits of Describing National Statistics with Common Standards’Statistical Production and Variables’, emphasizes the benefits of using metadata to drive efficiencies in a research data lifecycle, as well as promotes subsequent re-use of end data products, especially those generated by federal and national statistical agencies.
UNECE Supporting Standards Group
Reports from Mari and Jay from the Workshop on the Modernisation of Official Statistics and Supporting Standards Group
Moving Forward: Berlin Report
Insert sprint final report. EDDI 2018 Sprint Confluence page with the final report.