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  1. Agenda

  2. Survey: validate the forms and prepare communication

  3. Outstanding actions: To Do list

  4. Prioritising potential tasks: To Do list

    1. Working on profiles ?

    2. Codebook best practice/guidelines for questions and to help with future translations to Lifecycle ?

🗒️ Notes

Possible attendeesAttendees: Romain Tailhurat (INSEE, France), Hayley Mills (CLOSER, UK), Håkan Wilén (DDS, Sweden), Susanna Portilo (CSO, Ireland), Oliver Hopt (GESIS, Germany), Wendy Thomas (DDI USA), Philippe Bisson (StatCan, Canada), Jon Johnson (CLOSER, UK), Becky Oldroyd (CLOSER, UK), Thomas Dubois (INSEE, France), Lucas Bourcier (INED, France), Ami Saji (PROGEDO, France), Catherine Yuen (UKHLS, UK), Alen Vodopijevec (CESSDA, Croatia), Guillaume Duffes (INSEE, France), Victoria Rolfe (UoG, Sweden), Jessica Hrudey (UoA, Holland), Lucie Marie (CDSP, France), Ken Moore (CSO, Ireland), Rebecca Morrison (BLS, USA), Firoozeh Dokhani (UK), Edward Mawejje (Makerere University, Uganda), John Hyland (Teagasc, Ireland), Thibaud Ritzenthaler (INED, France),


Tailhurat, Lucie Marie, Wendy Thomas, Thibaud Ritzenthaler, Philippe Bisson, Susanna Portillo, Rebecca Oldroyd, Lucas Bourcier, Victoria Rolfe, Guillaume Duffes, Thomas Dubois, Catherine Yuen

Apologies : Ami Saji, Håkan Wilén, Jon Johnson, Hayley Mills

The meeting started with a demonstration of the questionnaire coded by Lucie. We noted that the language is set by the default locale of the browser (and English is the default language if the locale doesn’t fit the three translations, English, Spanish and French). There were slight remarks but nothing too serious to change the design of the questionnaire itself.

The questionnaire link will be sent to various contacts using DDI Alliance provided lists ; Romain will ask Jared for such lists.

We then browse through the tasks list. Concerning the review of the Tools page, Wendy told us that a preview of the entire new website will happen in November, so it is better to wait until then to give feedback. The website will be publicly open in December, another round of review will happened at this moment.

Working on a questionnaire profile is next on the list. Wendy informed that the Profile page has not been updated for a while and will be transferred under the Technical Committee responsibility. Also, in order to be in line with the new DDI mantra of supporting several representations, TC will work on an RDF model for Profiles. At the moment, there is no formal group working on Profiles.

Guillaume mentioned that some DDI profiles has been produced by a Unece group (see the results there). He also reminded us that Profiles aren’t exactly a set of rules but more of a flat list of XML elements to include or not in the expected XML DDI.

We still found relevant for the group to work on this topic but we need to list concrete actions.

The task “Codebook best practice/guidelines for questions and to help with future translations to Lifecycle” is to be put on stand by: DDI-C 3.6 is soon to be released and a new working group on Codebook will start during the 1st quarter of 2025. The task itself may be refocus as “helping designer use the textrule section the best way”.

Lucas mentioned that there are no guidance on how to register to the Questionnaire side event. Romain Tailhurat will check with Mari Kleemola.