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(TBD add information on how to add new content or update existing content to various databases. This may include the use of entry forms)

News Items

News items are implemented using the Blog feature of Hubspot. The general editing and creation work in the same fashion, as for web pages. All blog posts (news items) will get listed in a shortened view within the News page being accessible through the main menu. Ordering is by the initial publication date. All news items will also have their own page display containing alle their content. In addition, the three most recent news will appear on the start page.

Creating and editing Blog posts is handled in a separate section of the hubspot backend. This section can be found in the side menu of the backend:


The backend main page for Blog posts contains a list of all entries, ordered by last update. Filtering and searching is possible like for standard web pages.


By clicking any listed post, it can be edited. The “Create” button offers the creation of a new entry. The main editing form is quite similar to the web page one:


Somehow special are the settings to be applied to a Blog post:


The Blog post require a title. The accociated Blog URL will be derived from that title initially and can get shortened by hand. It is also required to set the autor of the post. The selection list allready contains a list of previous authors.

Tags are not required for Bolg posts, but future filtering might be easier, if all new posts would have some tags associated.