🗓️ 8th October, 3pm CEST.
🗒️ Agenda
Survey: validate the forms and prepare communication
Outstanding actions: To Do list
Prioritising potential tasks: To Do list
🗒️ Notes
Possible attendees: Romain Tailhurat (INSEE, France), Hayley Mills (CLOSER, UK), Håkan Wilén (DDS, Sweden), Susanna Portilo (CSO, Ireland), Oliver Hopt (GESIS, Germany), Wendy Thomas (DDI USA), Philippe Bisson (StatCan, Canada), Jon Johnson (CLOSER, UK), Becky Oldroyd (CLOSER, UK), Thomas Dubois (INSEE, France), Lucas Bourcier (INED, France), Ami Saji (PROGEDO, France), Catherine Yuen (UKHLS, UK), Alen Vodopijevec (CESSDA, Croatia), Guillaume Duffes (INSEE, France), Victoria Rolfe (UoG, Sweden), Jessica Hrudey (UoA, Holland), Lucie Marie (CDSP, France), Ken Moore (CSO, Ireland), Rebecca Morrison (BLS, USA), Firoozeh Dokhani (UK), Edward Mawejje (Makerere University, Uganda), John Hyland (Teagasc, Ireland), Thibaud Ritzenthaler (INED, France),