Agenda: FAIR Vocabularies 2021

Agenda: FAIR Vocabularies 2021

Monday 27th September 2021

Framing the work



10:00 Plenary - Dungeon


  • Welcome - Simon Cox (5 min)

  • Workshop plan - Steve McEachern (10 min)

  • Intros & icebreaker - Kheeran Dharmawardena (30 min actual)

10:45 Plenary - Dungeon

Session 1 Vocabulary examples

  1. ANZSCO - Jason Atkinson (slides) (25 min)

  2. SNOMED - Michael Lawley (slides) (25 min)


Bio break

11:50 Plenary - Dungeon

Session 2 Vocabulary examples

3. Place Names - Susan Birtles (slides) (20 min)

4. Indigenous names - Sandra Silcot/Len Smith (slides) (20 min)


Break (Lunch)

13:30 Plenary - Dungeon

Session 3 Vocabulary examples

5. Follow-up discussion and questions (15 min)
FAIR vocabularies

6. Intro to FAIR - Rowan Brownlee (slides) (5 min)

7. 10 simple rules - Simon Cox (slides) (10 min)

8. Follow-up discussion and questions (15 min)

14:15 Plenary - Dungeon then Breakouts

Session 4 Working session

9. Nominate and select vocabularies to be FAIRified - Kheeran

10. Sort participants into breakout rooms - Kheeran

11. Collaboratively begin case-studies

Chateau - AS4590
Maligava - Munsell Colours
Palace - Historical Police Districts
Schloss - GBIF Taxon



15:45 Plenary - Dungeon

Evaluation and wrap-up - Lesley


Close - Day end

Tuesday 28th September 2021

Deliverable 1: Case studies



10:00 Plenary - Dungeon


  • Welcome - Simon Cox (5 min)

  • Plan for the day - Kheeran (10 min)

  • An example of FAIRification: Soils vocabularies - Megan Wong (20 min)

  • Discussion on identifiers


Bio break (5 mins)


Session 2
Working session

11:45 Plenary - Dungeon

Report back and compare case studies:

  1. AS4590 (Chateau room)

  2. Police Districts (Palace Room)

  3. Munsell Colour Charts (Maligava Room)

  4. GBIF Establishment Means Vocab (Schloss Room)

12:10 Plenary - Dungeon

Session 3 Perspectives on FAIR vocabularies


Break (Lunch)

13:30 Plenary - Dungeon

Session 4 Q&A on TERN and ALA
Working Session



Plenary - Dungeon

Session 5
What are the sticking points? What next?
Dynamic vocabularies, time-sliced vocabularies ...

Plenary - Dungeon

Wrap up - Organisers
What are CESSDA & SSHOC - Steve

Plenary - Dungeon

Dagstuhl Europe Hookup - Intro to CESSDA CVs

Wednesday 29th September 2021

Deliverable 2: Best practices guidelines for governing, managing and using FAIR vocabularies



Plenary - Dungeon

Session 1
Opening (10 min)

  • Welcome - Simon Cox

  • Plan for the day - Kheeran

Vocabulary technical publication

  1. Introduction to Research Vocabularies Australia - Rowan Brownlee (15 min)

Vocabulary governance and use
2. Getting people to use governed vocabularies is hard - Shawn Ross (15 min)


Bio break (15 mins)

11:45 Plenary - Dungeon

Session 2 - governance, maintenance and use

3. It is so hard to use vocabularies - Steve McEachern (10 min)

4. TERN vocabulary maintenance guidelines - Anu + Edmond

5. Maintenance of dynamic vocabularies - Michael Biddington


Break (Lunch)

13:45 Plenary - Dungeon

Session 3 - Keynote Perspectives on vocabulary governance:
6. SNOMED governance - Michael Lawley

14:00 Plenary - Dungeon



Session 4 Preparing for working sessions

7. Governance considerations template - Simon

8. Sort participants into topics and breakout rooms

Working Session


Break (15 min)


Session 5
Working Session

15:45 Plenary - Dungeon

Wrap up - Organisers


Close - Day end

Thursday 30th September 2021

Deliverable 2: Best practices guidelines for governing, managing and using FAIR vocabularies
Deliverable 3 (optional): A specification for the FAIR vocabulary technical framework



10:00 Plenary - Dungeon

Session 1 Opening (5 min)

  • Welcome - Simon Cox

  • Plan for the day - Kheeran

Discussion on challenges from yesterday (15 min)

  1. Place types (Palace)

  2. AS 4590 (Chateau)

  3. Munsell colours (Maligawa) approved

Vocabulary technical platforms

4. Technology survey - Edmond (10 min)

5. Ontoserver - Michael Lawley (15 min)


Bio break (10 mins)

11:30 Plenary - Dungeon

Vocabulary technical platforms (cont…)

6. Vocabulary APIs - Nick Car (15 min)

12:05 Plenary - Dungeon

Session 2 Perspective on vocabulary applications

7. Vocabulary applications/data integration - Amir Aryani


Break (Lunch)

13:30 Plenary - Dungeon then Breakouts

Sessions 3a - governance

8. Working session - wrap up templates - edit/add to the LHS

  • Maligava - Rowan/Lesley - consolidate Munsell

  • Chateau - Simon - shift to ANZSCO

  • Palace - Steve - carry-on with place-types

Sessions 3b - technical framework

8. Working session - technical

  • Develop a grid of tools/platforms, what does what well?

  • Schloss - (e.g. MichaelL, Nick, Edmond, Doug, Adrian)


Break (15 min)

15:00 Plenary - Dungeon

Discussion on challenges
Bringing it all together

9. Kheeran's landscape analysis

10. How do we bring it all together - Steve/Simon

15:45 Plenary - Dungeon

Wrap up


Close - Day end

Friday 1st October 2021

Consolidation, writing, emergent themes
Potential deliverable 4: Guideline for adoption of a vocabulary - what is a trusted vocabulary?  



10:00 Plenary - Dungeon

Opening (15 min)

  • Welcome - Simon Cox

  • Plan for the day - Kheeran

Options for the day:

  1. 10 Simple Rules for FAIRification - write up 'Different pathways from different starting points' - e.g. compare Munsell & AS 4590

    1. Master template

    2. Munsell colours

    3. AS 4590

    4. Administrative areas

    5. Police districts

    6. GBIF Taxon names

  2. Governance concerns - consolidate the templates (and compare SNOMED, ANZSCO?)

    1. Master template

    2. Munsell colours

    3. AS 4590

    4. ANZSCO

    5. Place types

    6. SNOMED (TBC)

  3. Tech tools catalogue/grid

    1. Catalogue of vocabulary tools

  4. Trust/Sustainability - new topic? -

    1. CoreTrustSeal and TRUST Principles

    2. Patterns for vocabulary re-use, networks of vocabularies, views & subsets

10:30 Breakouts

Session 1+ Working session - …

  • Maligava - Governance concerns

  • Chateau - Trust


Bio break (15 mins)

12:00 Plenary - Dungeon

Session 2 Announcements - future events


Where to next for DUD:

  • Which of this week's activities will continue?

    • eResearch Australasia 2021

      1. Governance concerns - Anu, Kheeran & Simon report to eRA

      2. Implementation - Tech grid - Nick? report to eRA

      3. Trust … Shawn & Steve report to eRA

    • Topics from this week

      1. Munsell - will be built! RIT involved in governance (Shawn leading)

      2. Place names will continue within the ARDC HASS program (Len, Sandra and Steve) ARDC-led

        • Link to ARDC Geospatial COP?

        • Exploring MoU with ICSM and ARDC

        • Explore other infrastructures as well as RVA

    • New topic of interest (have been recognised as needed to be done by Big Brother Dagstuhl (as opposed to DUD)):

      1. Different approaches to reusing, extending or subsetting - another 'template', or set of 'rules' or 'concerns' -

        • Who: Simon, Rowan, Nick, Edmond, Sandra, Susan, Mark - to investigate a starting point

        • Where: To be determined.

      2. Vocabulary creation ?

  • Meet again in a year's time?

    • Should it be a week-long activity again? - Yes if possible

    • Virtual or F-2-F or Hybrid (a mix of both)

      1. Allow blocks of time to work on stuff raised at the meeting - less intense.

      2. I found starting at 10:00 am and finishing at 4:00 helpful

      3. 2 days f2f kick-off and then the rest virtual?

Sandra: Appreciation to the organisers for setting it up, and managing the evolving agenda



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