From last meeting:
Two slide decks were sent by Kathryn for everyone to review before this meeting as we will focus on finishing them this year - Understanding metadata and Data Quality.
Any volunteers to finish them?
Current deck statuses:
Unit-Unit_Type-Universe-Population deck (new version from today) - Hayley sent to SB on Jan 30
How_to_use_the_DDI_Training_Materials_v5 deck - Kathryn will finalize, then send to SB review
Reference: feedback (no changes needed)
DDI Training materials page that already exists which we might use:
DDITL_12_1_0_Data_Quality_Webinar - no updates - revisit in 2024; needs edits from TG feedback
This deck was already used a couple years ago for a webinar. It is in Zenodo
The videos are available on the codata site.
DDITL_11_1_0_Understanding_Metadata_Feb2023 deck - TG feedback already applied; need two group members to finalize this deck in 2024
We need to decide on a consistent message about structured/unstructured metadata; slide 29/providing an example of schema vs textual
Action item (Kathryn will write up): How to Publish Slide Decks - Map out protocols
Zenodo steps
Who to notify/where to promote (Lucie?)
Who does the notifying/promoting - need to determine for the ling run
For 2024 - review DDI Slide review WG - slide status
Update on the work on the self-training DDI support (this is an example of their work) : it is a work in progress, the person in charge attended the French training we gave last Friday with Hilde and asked a lot of questions about exercises or games on DDI. We already have some of those; Alina plans to find them and translate them into French.
Outstanding slide decks and actions:
Programmer’s Intro to DDI - Dan, Arofan - on hold for now
Older technical slide deck examples: Gesis box
Ensure that these are used when more technical/detailed slide decks are produced.
Maybe there will be hackathon content we can use - KL emailed Ingo about intro content
Questions and questionnaires slide deck - part of Training Fair for EDDI - low priority at this time
Hayley has a newer version from when she presented; will share when we finish the other slides
Potential Future Slide Decks:
Choosing the right DDI tool?
CODATA-DDI Training Webinars - CODATA, The Committee on Data for Science and Technology
Sanda shared content to help us form a slide deck(s) on controlled vocabularies: Controlled Vocabularies Slides (Google folder)
Sanda will meet with us to discuss once we have had a chance to review the materials
Oct 2022 Webinar for use in future slide decks
Next meeting is Mar 26, 2024