Currently working on:
Implementing fair with DDI - updates?: Dan, Hayley, Katharina - still in progress, almost through all the FAIR letters
Specify the audience of the slides - Kathryn -updates? :
unit type slide deck new version sent out
Others still need to be done
make it the first slide
Dan working on Concepts deck - updates?: new version of the slide deck Nov 21, 2022 - please review before next meeting
Understanding metadata deck - Dan - updates? : still pending
Discuss translation priorities for slide decks; Alina has volunteers to translate slides to French
Start with the basics - what is metadata, what is ddi, and DDI Codebook, DDI Lifecycle, and DDI Cross Domain Integration: Use Cases and Objectives
Hayley's draft of the How_to_use_the_DDI_Training_Materials slide deck - group thoughts
Original set from Dagstuhl
Maybe need a webpage, or tags for the decks that can be used together?
We will revisit this idea; Hayley will look for more resources
Hayley will send out new version based on our discussion today
Outstanding slide decks and actions