Currently working on:
Implementing fair with DDI - updates?
Specify the audience of the slides - Kathryn -updates?
unit type slide deck new version sent out
Others still need to be done
Dan working on Concepts deck - updates?
Understanding metadata deck - Dan - updates?
Discuss translation priorities for slide decks; Alina has volunteers to translate slides to French
Hayley's draft of the How_to_use_the_DDI_Training_Materials slide deck - group thoughts
Outstanding slide decks and actions
Training Exercises; Hilde Orten (Unlicensed) can check with Arofan on some of these examples; pending
Programmer’s Intro to DDI - Dan
Arofan will look at older technical slide deck examples to see what can be used and will consult with Achim. Arofan added slides to the Gesis box Next step is to ensure that these are used when more technical/detailed slide decks are produced.
Questions and questionnaires slide deck - Hayley (part of Training Fair for EDDI) - no updates
Potential Future Slide Decks:
Choosing the right DDI tool?
Sanda shared content to help us form a slide deck(s) on controlled vocabularies: Controlled Vocabularies Slides (Google folder)
Sanda will meet with us to discuss once we have had a chance to review the materials
No December meeting; Next meeting is after the new year - Jan 31, 2023
Notes about slide process:
Sub-WG shares slide decks with the whole WG and the TC chairs (1 month).
Sub-WG makes updates to the slide decks where necessary or provides comments to feedback if not necessary.
Sub-WG decides when the slide decks are final. WG chairs make any final decisions if they cannot be resolved. Feedback and resolution will be documented
WG chairs submit the slide decks to the SB for approval (2 months).
SB provides sign-off before Sub-WG adds the slide decks to Zenodo for publication.