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2022-2023 Minutes Page, 2020-2021 Minutes Page, 2018-2019 Minutes Page, 2016-2017 Minutes Page, Pre-2016 Minutes Page


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Oliver, Jeremy, Flavio, Dan


As of 1 July 2024 Jon Johnson will step down as Vice Chair of the Technical Committee. Oliver Hopt will serve as TC Vice Chair from 7/2024 through 6/2027.

Codebook pull request

  • Approved and merged - covering references to DDI CV’s, typos, missing documentation

Codebook - Simple Text Review

  • Approved 8 identified changes out of 86 simpleTextType that seemed logical (respUnit as parallel to anlyUnit) or where known non-DDI CVs exist within a discipline or organization (imputation types, availability status)

  • Make those changes and retain spreadsheet for future Codebook Working Group

DDI-L v.4.0 BETA

  • Priorities are ordering and internal enumeration issues

  • Many issues administrative; Jon will add content to these

  • Face-to-Face will be 3 days and we should be prepared to spend on BETA work to the extent possible



ATTENDEES: Wendy, Oliver, Dan, Jeremy, Flavio
REGRETS: Jon, Darren

Codebook pull request
Merged license update issues 97 and 93

Codebook review of simpleTextTypes
Issue arose in adding in documentation on existing DDI CVs of possible simpleTextTypes that should be conceptType or conceptualTextType (ex. “software”


Create annotated list of these on spreadsheet and send out
send out to SRG list to open for other to comment in open google doc if comments needed
Wendy do this and send it out

DDI-L V4.0 BETA issues and workplan
Pull request adding license (issue 32) merged
People should review issues and work on one of their choice
It would be good to have content changes (as opposed to administrative issues) addressed by August meeting so that if there is time we can move on getting BETA2 out for review.
