Tour de table
The proposed agenda is validated by the participants.
We agree on monthly short meetings, in order to check and assess work
We choose on a recurring day: the second tuesday of the month, 3PM CEST
So next meeting is 9th of July
Task management
We decide that work is mainly done in between meetings
Dedicated meetings could be arrange if necessary
For now, tracking tasks will be done via a simple page listing todos
If necessary, Wendy could set up for us a Jira (task-focused)
We’ll start with the Atlassian wiki for minutes and working documents. Other collaborative tools can be used when needed but we need to make sure that content is easily accessible (and centralise links in this wiki)
Next tasks
A survey will be made to gather tools and experts names; also needs and uses, even non DDI, would be probed.
We could use the newsletter to disseminate first the idea of this survey
- Provide content for the next newsletter Romain Tailhurat
We will use Qualtrics for the questionnaire - Lucie could provide an access
we could use other means of communication (the Xitter DDI Alliance account, the mailing list - Wendy to check with Jared
More generally we agreed that the announcement and the questionnaire could re disseminate (Ami via Cessda Chanel, Rebecca in the US, etc.)
A french version of the questionnaire will be produce
We try to have the survey ready for next Q² meeting - F-Team: Lucas, Lucie, Romain, Thibaud
Training material
A field survey of what is already existing ; liaise with the Training group - Hayley
- Check existing training material Hayley Mills
Current materials
Slide deck: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5180575
Slide deck: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5180579 This will be updated to a newer version which was used in the most recent webinar.
Webinar May 2024: Questions and Survey Instruments in DDI: Maximizing the Value of Your Metadata
Webinar November 2021: EDDI Track 2, parallel session B: DDI Lifecycle tutorial
There are no current plans to create more advanced training for questions/questionnaires.
Tools page
Content will be necessarily updated with the website upheaval - Wendy, Jon, will list what is coming
- Incoming updates to tools page Wendy Thomas Jon Johnson