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2022-2023 Minutes Page, 2020-2021 Minutes Page, 2018-2019 Minutes Page, 2016-2017 Minutes Page, Pre-2016 Minutes Page


ATTENDING: Wendy, Oliver, Jon, Darren, Dan, Jeremy, Flavio

Sep 05, 2024 09:56 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) ID: 596 245 942
Quick recap
The team discussed the potential transfer of the domain to their management, with a focus on setting up the same records in the current zone and then asking the current registrar to switch the name servers. They also discussed the coordination and management of legal and administrative tasks related to the UKDA project, with a focus on identifying roles and responsibilities for content management. Lastly, they discussed the need for a detailed report on the size of the content moved from the old site to HubSpot, the creation of a high-level document for codebook, and the progress and future plans for the DDI-Lifecycle version 4.

Next steps
Wendy to send a note to Jared about coordinating a call with Darren, Dan, and the appropriate ICPSR team members regarding the DNS transfer of .

Wendy to follow up with Jared about the legal/management paperwork for the website and base configuration responsibilities.

Dan to submit a pull request with a first pass of marking ordered properties in DDI Lifecycle version 4 by the end of the month, in preparation for Beta 2 release.

DDI Alliance Domain Transfer Discussion

Wendy, Darren, and Dan discussed the potential of transferring the domain to their management. They considered the pros and cons of this move, with the ICPSR team being in favor of the whole domain transfer. Darren suggested that the process should be straightforward, but they would need to set up the same records in the current zone and then ask the current registrar to switch the name servers. Dan proposed the possibility of transferring the resources to their account or setting it up to replicate it. Wendy agreed to set up a call with the right person in the DevOps or network team, including Darren and Dan, to further discuss the process.

UKDA Project Legal and Administrative Coordination

Wendy, Jon, and Darren discussed the coordination and management of legal and administrative tasks related to the UKDA project. They clarified the roles of named individuals in managing the AWS/HubSpot platform, with two individuals each for content and administration. They also discussed the need for clear roles and responsibilities, particularly for content management, and the potential for an oversight archivist role. The team agreed to identify these roles and individuals, with Darren offering to be an admin contact until the project goes live. Wendy suggested that they need to flesh out the roles and responsibilities further and identify the necessary people for the setup and ongoing management of the project.

Project Updates, Reports, and Expense Reimbursements

Wendy discussed the need to follow up with Jared regarding the legal aspects of a project and mentioned that she would be sending a note to Jared on this later in the day. She also mentioned the meeting report from the Technical Committee F2F and asked for feedback on the current draft. Jon suggested that the report from the face-to-face meeting was excellent and had no comments. Wendy also mentioned the need to fit the report into Jared's framework and asked for input on her list for the overall report. She also reminded the team about the 45-day deadline for expense reimbursement requests. The team discussed a form from Hilda that seemed to be mixing up two different things - the funding report for Jared and the annual or 6 monthly report from the working groups. It was decided that Wendy should send the report to Hilda and the financial report to Jared.

HubSpot Content Transition and Policy Discussion

Wendy expressed a need for a detailed report on the size of the content moved from the old site to HubSpot, including the number of pages and gigabytes of data. She also emphasized the importance of having a clear policy on what content should be archived and what should be retained as pages or moved to PDFs. Wendy suggested that a timeline for the transition should be established, with a goal of completing the move by EDDI with a hard deadline of December 31st. She also highlighted the need for communication with the DDI community about the changes and the expected timeline. Oliver agreed to work on a proposal for the transition of news elements from the old site to HubSpot.

Creating a High-Level DDI-Codebook Best Practices Document

Wendy discussed the need for a high-level document for codebook, which would contain best practices and information on the use of identifiers and controlled vocabularies, etc. She questioned whether this document should be part of the codebook package or a standalone best practices document. Dan suggested it should be a standalone document, as the usage document should not be tied to a specific version of codebook, given its backwards compatibility. Wendy agreed, noting that this would provide more flexibility in the document's tone and content.

DDI-Lifecycle Version 4 Progress and Future Plans

Wendy, Dan, and Flavio discussed the progress and future plans for the DDI-Lifecycle version 4.0 BETA2. Dan suggested a first pass at marking properties as ordered before setting out a BETA2 for review. Wendy agreed to this and mentioned a preliminary list from a previous issue. Dan proposed to submit a pull request with his first pass of ordered elements and asked for feedback from those interested in the RDF version. The team aimed to have the BETA2 version out by the end of the month (September). Flavio was tasked with reviewing the draft report for the scientific board meeting, which Wendy will send in by Monday. The funding report will be completed and sent to Jared. The team also discussed the roadmap for the next 12 to 18 months. This will be on next weeks agenda.


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Darren, Jeremy, Dan
Relevant links:


redirect to:

CDI example of HTML redirect

Quick recap

The team resumed collaboration with a content professional, discussed the progress of the RDF project, and considered using GitHub as a production tool. They also prioritized tasks for the upcoming quarters, identified key areas of focus, and discussed access and responsibilities for the new website. Lastly, they highlighted the need for finalizing content due to upcoming changes in best practices and the completion of the DNS change.

Next steps

  • Darren to create a task list of remaining items for the website project, including data-driven pages, templates, styling, and mail shots.

  • Darren to work with Michigan to redirect the RDF vocabulary URL and test the preservation of headers in the 301 redirect.

  • TC members to review the roadmap document and provide feedback on priorities for the last half of 2024 and first half of 2025, including suggestions for new items or changes to existing ones.


Resumed Collaboration and Content Updates

Darren reported that they have resumed collaboration with the content professional, enabling re-editing of pages. He proposed creating an item list of outstanding tasks for the next team meeting. Darren also sought clarification on the tasks related to mail shots. Wendy emphasized the urgency of finalizing the content, highlighting the upcoming changes in best practices and the need to inform the working groups about the process. Lastly, Darren noted that the DNS change had been completed by DM , (Michigan).

RDF Project Progress and Redirect Testing

Darren discussed the progress of the RDF project, focusing on the upcoming redirect of the DDI-CDI page to the new RDF host. He also mentioned the need to test the redirect process to ensure the preservation of headers and the functionality of the redirect. Darren further shared his plan to improve the user experience by making concept URIs more accessible on the HTML pages and intended to discuss this with Oliver. The team also considered the idea of a poster session or webinar to present the project's progress and new infrastructure changes, with Jon suggesting a 15-20 minute session on the website. This could be combined with Roadmap session, and CV presentation.

GitHub Production Tool and RDF Ontology

Dan and Wendy discussed the use of GitHub as a production tool for XKOS and codebook. They recognized the need to expand the roadmap to include website-related work they recently took on. Wendy explained the Equivalency group's work on developing an RDF Ontology model to represent common content and concepts across DDI products. Wendy and Dan explored the idea of creating an underlying database mapping objects and content across different DDI products to enable consistent transformation and facilitate high-level understanding of DDI's overall coverage.

Prioritizing Tasks and Website Responsibilities

Wendy discussed the need for prioritizing tasks and identifying key areas of focus for the upcoming quarters. Wendy requested input from the team on their priorities and asked for a list of tasks that need to be broken out or given new subheadings. The team also discussed the access and responsibilities for the new website, with a limit of four people identified for administration and content. The team expects the CDI work to be completed by late September or early October.
