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2022-2023 Minutes Page, 2020-2021 Minutes Page, 2018-2019 Minutes Page, 2016-2017 Minutes Page, Pre-2016 Minutes Page


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Oliver, Jeremy, Dan, Darren, Flavio

Quick recap

Wendy provided an update on the CDI status and discussed two issues raised by Jeremy, one related to the automated pipeline setup (CDI_100) and the other concerning XML schemas (CDI-101). The team also discussed the challenges of publishing multiple incompatible XML schemas and the status of issues related to the package. Lastly, they discussed the TC management of the Alliance website, the synchronization protocol, and the ongoing project, emphasizing the need for updates on assignments and testing email templates and mail shot functionality.

Next steps

  • Flavio to update the CDI issue tracker to clarify the status of all issues for the technical committee's review.

  • Darren and Oliver to review and refine the website management roles and responsibilities document.

  • Wendy to create documentation on how to make content entry changes to maintain consistency with templates.

  • Darren to email Sanda about the preferred placement of concept URIs in the CV tables and coordinate with Oliver on implementation.


CDI Status Update and Issue Resolution

Wendy provided an update on the CDI status, mentioning that they are still expecting a submission by tomorrow. She also discussed two issues that Jeremy had raised, one related to the automated pipeline setup and the other concerning XML schemas. A comment was added to CDI-101.

Discussing XML Schema Management and Automation

Wendy, Jeremy, and Dan discussed the challenges of publishing multiple incompatible XML schemas. They agreed on publishing a single canonical schema in the package, with additional schemas separated and using different namespaces. Wendy suggested adding a comment reflecting this decision. The team plans to automate the process with a continuous integration pipeline triggered by publication from their modeling tool. Oliver was identified as the contact for the pipeline work. The package delivery is intended for tomorrow, though some details still need to be confirmed with others. The team aims to fully automate the schema management and publication process.

Discussing Package Issues and Jira Tracker

Wendy and Jeremy discussed the status of issues related to the package. Jeremy expressed concern about the number of open issues and the lack of a plan to address them before publishing. Wendy clarified that Flavio hadn't had a chance to update the status of these issues. Dan provided information that Flavio had fixed about 20 of the issues. Wendy suggested updating the Jira tracker to clarify what's been finished and what's future work. The team agreed on the importance of having an up-to-date issue tracker for the review process.

CDI Webinar Announcement

Wendy noted the text for the announcement of the CDI webinar focused on the upcoming voting process and asked for comments on the draft webinar details.

Technical Committee Website Management and Roles

Wendy discussed the management of the Alliance's website, focusing on content distribution, administrative roles, and website performance. She proposed a division of roles between Darren and Oliver, with Darren handling HTML, branding, and styling, and Oliver managing database-driven content and file management. Wendy also suggested the creation of an archivist role to ensure related pages receive necessary changes. Darren agreed to review the content management document and make necessary clarifications.

Synchronization Protocol and Content Updates Discussion

Wendy discussed the synchronization protocol and the process of updating content between Drupal and HubSpot. She mentioned that she is recording changes and keeping a folder of content changes. Wendy also noted that to provide Jared with access, Jon would have to lose his access to Drupal, but this might not be a good idea during the development period. She mentioned that new documents will be added using the HubSpot system, which should put them in the same place as those that were transferred from Drupal. Wendy also raised a question about additions and changes to the databases, which Oliver was asked to provide answers for.

Project Updates, Testing, and Webinar Planning

Wendy discussed the ongoing project, emphasizing the need for updates on assignments and inquired about the status of testing email templates and mail shot functionality. Darren confirmed that they had tested mail shots but needed a more real-world situation. Wendy also questioned the timeline for the project. Darren agreed that the flip over should happen after Eddie due to unresolved issues with the new website. She also emphasized the importance of reviewing the deadline dates on the shared spreadsheet. She is prioritizing the entry process document to ensure consistency in entry procedures before involving Jared.

Column Placement Discussion in Controlled Vocabulary HTML Table

Wendy and Darren discussed the possibility of adding concept URIs to the HTML pages, with Darren suggesting that it would be beneficial for their developer to insert another column in the tables to hold the concept URI. The team discussed the placement of a new column in a table. Wendy suggested that the column, which contains the concept URI, could be placed below the concept label in a different font or color to save space. However, she also noted that the column should be placed in the before the label column to avoid implying a change between languages. Oliver suggested placing the column in the second column to avoid blurring with the hierarchical indent. The team agreed to ask Sanda for her preference on the placement of the column.

Finalizing Feature Changes and Upcoming Tasks

Wendy and Darren discussed the final changes needed to make a feature live. Darren mentioned that a redirection was required, which was a simple task. Wendy emphasized the importance of making the concept URI feature prominent to encourage its use. For the following week, Darren didn't have specific topics, but Wendy mentioned the need to address the CDI submission. She also mentioned that she was working on high-level documentation for the Codebook. Dan was reminded to let Wendy know when the Beta 2 changes were completed, and to review the documents for any necessary comments or changes.
