Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


2022-2023 Minutes Page, 2020-2021 Minutes Page, 2018-2019 Minutes Page, 2016-2017 Minutes Page, Pre-2016 Minutes Page


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Darren, Dan, Jeremy, Flavio

Quick recap

Darren, Wendy, and Dan discussed the readiness of the postman collection and the need for a written implementation plan. They also discussed the need to update the sequence property in their system and the progress of their project, with a focus on the potential for an RDF representation of the DDI codebook. The conversation ended with plans for a hackathon challenge.

Next steps

  • Darren to email Sanda about the postman collection and HTML page revisions being ready and discuss making it available next week.

  • Darren will remind Arofan to provide the implementation plan in writing for CDI-100 as requested by the Technical Committee.

  • Dan to file an issue regarding the RDF code URIs and version stability.


Postman Collection Readiness and Implementation Plan

Darren and Wendy discussed the readiness of the postman collection and the need for a written implementation plan from Arofan. Darren agreed to send an email to Sanda and Jared to update the CV page and set up a webinar on this new system. Wendy will initiate the vote process with Jared once the written implementation plan is received. Dan and Darren also discussed the possibility of implementing a version-independent URI for the CVs, which Dan suggested could be a future enhancement. The team agreed to proceed with the current plan and to address the version-independent URI issue later.

Updating Sequence Property and Cardinalities

Wendy and Dan discussed the need to update the sequence property in their system. They noted that the property was already ordered in the Beta version, but other properties were not. Dan has made revisions addressing comments Wendy made on the Pull Request (#48). Dan mentioned that he had updated the cardinalities and the order, but there were some choices that didn't match their normal naming convention. Wendy agreed to go through the choices to ensure consistency. Dan will make changes and include in this pull request.

Project Progress, Documentation, and XML Linter

Dan and Wendy discussed the progress of Codebook work, with Wendy committing to complete certain tasks by the end of the day. They also discussed the need to re-engage Adrian regarding the documentation. Dan will implement the format validation using XML Linter and suggested the addition of instructions on how to use the XML Linter to reformat it before making changes. Wendy agreed to look at Adrian's previous work and compare it with the current documentation to ensure consistency. They also discussed the need to check each individual element in the documentation to ensure proper formatting and content.

DDI Codebook RDF Representation and Ontology

Dan and Wendy discussed the potential for an RDF representation of the DDI codebook, given the status of DDI Lifecycle as a superset of DDI Codebook. They considered creating a DDI codebook ontology, reusing URIs from the lifecycle model. Wendy emphasized the need for a clear production process and the progress towards automated production for their products. Dan agreed to write up a challenge for the upcoming hackathon and to forward it to Wendy for additional ideas.

title2024-10-03 NO MEETING

CDI pre-vote webinar


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Oliver, Jon, Dan, Jeremy

DDI-CDI submission
Timeline and steps needed to initiate Vote
Webinar Oct 3, (need to reschedule TC)
Next Steps
Getting 4.0 BETA2 out

Quick recap
Wendy discussed the upcoming webinar and the subsequent vote, as well as the implementation of an automation system by the CDI group. The team also discussed their schedules, the upcoming webinar, and the resolution of the two issues Jeremy filed in CDI Jira. Lastly, Wendy discussed the completion of the build scripts for DDI-CDI script for the DDI space, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, and the need for a build script that can be run in Github actions.

Next steps

  • Wendy to communicate with CDI group about the need for a build script that can be run locally or in Github actions, clarifying expectations and timelines.

  • Achim to develop the build script for CDI implementation, aiming for completion by the end of 2024.

  • Oliver to assist with integrating the CDI build script into Github actions once it's developed.

Webinar Discussion and Automation System Update

Wendy discussed the upcoming webinar and the subsequent vote, which is expected to take place after the event and last for a month. She also mentioned that the CDI group has asked for clarification on providing a timeline for implementing their automation system. Wendy noted that Jared had sent out a notification for the webinar and that Flavio was reviewing 97 issues in the Jira issue tracker to determine which have been resolved. This should be completed prior to the webinar. There were no objections or concerns raised about the proposed timeline or steps.

Schedules, Webinar, and Lifecycle Updates

Wendy, Oliver, Jon, Dan, and Jeremy discussed their schedules and the upcoming webinar. Jon mentioned he would be away for the next three weeks, and Dan suggested cancelling the meeting next week unless there was a significant agenda item. Dan also planned to complete an ordered elements in Lifecycle task soon and intended to discuss the BETA2 of Lifecycle before Jon's return. Wendy agreed to these plans and proposed to discuss on email and only meet on this if necessary if necessary.

Project Implementation and Process Details Discussion

CDI-101 has been resolved as Jeremy suggested. Wendy will inform Arofan so they can close this issue. Regarding CDI-100 she also mentioned a request for more information on the implementation of a process, which was initially unclear. Wendy clarified that the team wanted more details on the implementation, not just the process itself. The team had previously attached a document outlining the process, but Wendy suggested they needed more information on its implementation.

Script Implementation for DDI Space Automation

Wendy discussed the implementation of a build script for the DDI space, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. The script, to be developed by Achim, will be used to automate the system once data is extracted from EA. Wendy clarified that the long-term goal is to have the build script run in the DDI space, not in a separate pipeline. Jeremy and Dan suggested that the script should be run either locally by developers or in a continuous integration system like Github actions. They also emphasized the need for a build script that can be run in Github actions, which can be set up after the build script is developed. Oliver suggested that the script should be runnable inside Github actions, and that the team should maintain the Github actions. Wendy agreed to clarify these points to Achim and to seek specific timelines and responsibilities for the project.

Background information on CDI-100

See Section I: Production Flows in process document (page 2)

Achim is starting work on implementation of an automated production line (jar files, etc.) following Dagstuhl (area 1 of funding request) Goal is to complete by end of 2024

Working in AW space - contact with Oliver on getting the pipelines into DDI space (eventually get these on GitHub Actions)

Read issue CDI-100 comments

What specifically do we need from CDI - prior to vote

We asked for a clarification of what needed to be done, who was working on it, what was the timeline. Do we need this from them in writing? If so do we summarize our understanding and then have them sign off on it? This could be fastest as much of it has simply been discussed.


CDI-101 can we tell them this is acceptable. Basically, Achim agreed with TC and they retained only the canonical XML schema in the package (other will be provided as a convenience schema).

CDI-100 Review comments
What specifically do we need from them. I have notes from the CDI meeting about planned steps and asked Arofan to clarify the statement that a document is in the works from the issue comment.

Note that there is step-by-step documentation being drafted, but the overall production flows are described in the syntax representation document. This will be made final in the near term.

Is the movement to Git workflows a current imperative or a goal?

That comment needs updating, as per our discussion today. I am happy to write up whatever is needed, but at this point it seemed like that section of the syntax representation document was good enough.

I would like to see specifics - with links to the correct versions of each piece of code - added when we have the pipeline set up. At this point, though, I am not sure that makes sense. The idea would be to have a common code repository and full documentation in reference to that repository, presumably for all of the TC products. I can work with Achim as this develops further.

Website work update:
Management document Darren to email Sanda about the postman collection and HTML page revisions being ready and discuss making it available next week.

Darren will remind Arofan to provide the implementation plan in writing for CDI-100 as requested by the Technical Committee.

Dan to file an issue regarding the RDF code URIs and version stability.


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Oliver, Jeremy, Dan, Darren, Flavio

Quick recap

Wendy provided an update on the CDI status and discussed two issues raised by Jeremy, one related to the automated pipeline setup (CDI_100) and the other concerning XML schemas (CDI-101). The team also discussed the challenges of publishing multiple incompatible XML schemas and the status of issues related to the package. Lastly, they discussed the TC management of the Alliance website, the synchronization protocol, and the ongoing project, emphasizing the need for updates on assignments and testing email templates and mail shot functionality.

Next steps

  • Flavio to update the CDI issue tracker to clarify the status of all issues for the technical committee's review.

  • Darren and Oliver to review and refine the website management roles and responsibilities document.

  • Wendy to create documentation on how to make content entry changes to maintain consistency with templates.

  • Darren to email Sanda about the preferred placement of concept URIs in the CV tables and coordinate with Oliver on implementation.


CDI Status Update and Issue Resolution

Wendy provided an update on the CDI status, mentioning that they are still expecting a submission by tomorrow. She also discussed two issues that Jeremy had raised, one related to the automated pipeline setup and the other concerning XML schemas. A comment was added to CDI-101.

Discussing XML Schema Management and Automation

Wendy, Jeremy, and Dan discussed the challenges of publishing multiple incompatible XML schemas. They agreed on publishing a single canonical schema in the package, with additional schemas separated and using different namespaces. Wendy suggested adding a comment reflecting this decision. The team plans to automate the process with a continuous integration pipeline triggered by publication from their modeling tool. Oliver was identified as the contact for the pipeline work. The package delivery is intended for tomorrow, though some details still need to be confirmed with others. The team aims to fully automate the schema management and publication process. Given we always said the spec was tool-agnostic, Jeremy and Flavio see no reason for publishing a second XML schema developed specifically for tools, even if they are very common. We recommend the second schema be made available at a later date as an add-on to the spec.

Discussing Package Issues and Jira Tracker

Wendy and Jeremy discussed the status of issues related to the package. Jeremy expressed concern about the number of open issues and the lack of a plan to address them before publishing. Wendy clarified that Flavio hadn't had a chance to update the status of these issues. Dan provided information that Flavio had fixed about 20 of the issues. Wendy suggested updating the Jira tracker to clarify what's been finished and what's future work. The team agreed on the importance of having an up-to-date issue tracker for the review process.

CDI Webinar Announcement

Wendy noted the text for the announcement of the CDI webinar focused on the upcoming voting process and asked for comments on the draft webinar details.

Technical Committee Website Management and Roles

Wendy discussed the management of the Alliance's website, focusing on content distribution, administrative roles, and website performance. She proposed a division of roles between Darren and Oliver, with Darren handling HTML, branding, and styling, and Oliver managing database-driven content and file management. Wendy also suggested the creation of an archivist role to ensure related pages receive necessary changes. Darren agreed to review the content management document and make necessary clarifications.

Synchronization Protocol and Content Updates Discussion

Wendy discussed the synchronization protocol and the process of updating content between Drupal and HubSpot. She mentioned that she is recording changes and keeping a folder of content changes. Wendy also noted that to provide Jared with access, Jon would have to lose his access to Drupal, but this might not be a good idea during the development period. She mentioned that new documents will be added using the HubSpot system, which should put them in the same place as those that were transferred from Drupal. Wendy also raised a question about additions and changes to the databases, which Oliver was asked to provide answers for.

Project Updates, Testing, and Webinar Planning

Wendy discussed the ongoing project, emphasizing the need for updates on assignments and inquired about the status of testing email templates and mail shot functionality. Darren confirmed that they had tested mail shots but needed a more real-world situation. Wendy also questioned the timeline for the project. Darren agreed that the flip over should happen after Eddie due to unresolved issues with the new website. She also emphasized the importance of reviewing the deadline dates on the shared spreadsheet. She is prioritizing the entry process document to ensure consistency in entry procedures before involving Jared.

Column Placement Discussion in Controlled Vocabulary HTML Table

Wendy and Darren discussed the possibility of adding concept URIs to the HTML pages, with Darren suggesting that it would be beneficial for their developer to insert another column in the tables to hold the concept URI. The team discussed the placement of a new column in a table. Wendy suggested that the column, which contains the concept URI, could be placed below the concept label in a different font or color to save space. However, she also noted that the column should be placed in the before the label column to avoid implying a change between languages. Oliver suggested placing the column in the second column to avoid blurring with the hierarchical indent. The team agreed to ask Sanda for her preference on the placement of the column.

Finalizing Feature Changes and Upcoming Tasks

Wendy and Darren discussed the final changes needed to make a feature live. Darren mentioned that a redirection was required, which was a simple task. Wendy emphasized the importance of making the concept URI feature prominent to encourage its use. For the following week, Darren didn't have specific topics, but Wendy mentioned the need to address the CDI submission. She also mentioned that she was working on high-level documentation for the Codebook. Dan was reminded to let Wendy know when the Beta 2 changes were completed, and to review the documents for any necessary comments or changes.


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Oliver, Darren, Dan, Flavio, Jeremy


  • DDI Lifecycle Codelist CV versions and distribution options via AW

  • Agreement between TC and ICPSR regarding website management

  • Defining admin and content positions for website

Quick recap

The team discussed improvements to DDI-Lifecycle Codelist version of CV information distribution, including versioning, file layout, and code list management. They explored website management roles, responsibilities, and the transition process for their project. The team also addressed document relocation and the need for a timeline and checklist to guide the project's progress.

Next steps

  • Dan to create an example of the proposed versioning changes for DDI code lists of CVs and share it with the group.

  • Wendy to write up clarification on the roles and responsibilities for website administration and content management.

  • Wendy to create a Google spreadsheet with a timeline and checklist for the website migration, including dependencies and key dates.

  • Dan to continue working on the ordered properties for DDI-Lifecycle 4.0 Beta 2.

  • Wendy to contact John to clarify the location and organization of documents moved from the website to .


DDI Lifecycle Codelist CV versions and distribution options via AW:

Dan proposes creating a new file and disk layout for distributing DDILifecycle information and code lists, allowing for automatic listing of available versions. He suggests changing the versioning to reflect content changes in the DDI metadata version and storing the user-provided version in the DDI UserID. Darren agrees to consider these proposals for improving versioning and identification. Oliver clarifies that this would not require changes to the publication system.

  • Versioning System for Translations Discussion

    • The team discussed the versioning system for translations and its implications. They agreed that a version change could occur if there are structural changes to the vocabulary, such as new categories or deleted categories. However, they also noted that a version change could occur without any content change, which could be confusing. The team also discussed the need for a programmatical way to determine if a version change is necessary for an individual concept, which would require integrating a comparison process into the creation process. They concluded that this would be a complex task, potentially requiring a new management system.
      Current CV Versioning policy

  • Managing DDI Content Updates and Code Lists

    • Dan proposed a solution to manage and compare updates to the DDI Content, including a manifest file to list all available content and different versions. He suggested this to simplify the process of importing and translating DDI code lists into their tools. Darren and DDI agreed that any changes to the code lists should occur at the point of generation to ensure consistency. Oliver clarified that the current code lists are published in the DDI Alliance CV system as XML files. The team agreed to consider Dan's proposal for a more streamlined process.

  • Versioning Mechanism and Transition Concerns

    • Oliver and Darren discussed the versioning mechanism between the SKOS and the code list representation. They considered the implications of having multiple versions of the same concept, such as a telephone entry, and how this would affect the transition between the two systems. Oliver expressed concerns about the uncertainty of where to land when transitioning from one version to another. The team also discussed the possibility of using an XSLT to produce the code list and category scheme, but Oliver was still unsure about the specifics of the transition process.

  • Code Values and DDI Code List Discussion

    • Dan and Oliver discussed the concept of code values in the DDI CodeList, with Dan explaining that users would input these values in the CV properties. They also discussed the link between the CodeList and the SKOS ID for the code list, with Dan clarifying that the user ids in the codes are not versionable and always have the same version as their parent versionable. Oliver suggested the possibility of switching the user id into the code using an attribute pair. Dan confirmed that the code entries have the agency id, version, and user id, but they are not versionable objects and are treated differently in the DDI-Lifecycle.

  • Discussing Controlled Vocabulary Terms in Data

    • Wendy and Dan discussed the use of controlled vocabulary terms in their data. Wendy expressed confusion about the purpose of these terms, particularly in relation to code lists. Dan clarified that the controlled vocabulary terms were meant to provide values for code value properties in the metadata, and should not be used as code lists for variable domains. Wendy agreed, noting that the terms could be useful for large datasets like country codes, but should not be reused. The conversation ended with Wendy expressing clarity on the purpose of the controlled vocabulary terms.

  • Discussing Version Categorization Mechanism Changes

    • The team discussed the need to change the mechanism for categorizing versions, with Dan proposing a simpler system where the version increases to signify a new release. However, Darren expressed concerns about potential confusion if the changes aren't clearly explained. Oliver and DDI agreed that a detailed example of the proposed changes would be helpful for understanding the issue. They decided to create such an example and revisit the topic once it's ready.

Website Management Agreement Discussion

Wendy discussed the agreement between TC and ICPSR regarding website management. Darren suggested that the agreement could be between the TC and him, rather than ICPSR. The group agreed to proceed on this basis, with the understanding that the TC would manage the website. Darren also suggested that the website could be deployed onto the same AWS platform as next year, to keep everything on one ecosystem. The main point of clarification was ensuring that the TC's role in managing the website was clear.

  • Website Management Roles and Responsibilities

    • The team discussed the roles and responsibilities of the four people managing their website. They agreed that two roles would be for content management and two for administration. The content roles would involve maintaining the website's content, currently dividing this in Product content and all else (primarily covering Admin and the Learn section). Distribution of content responsibility can shift was workloads and converage changes occur. Adminitrative roles would include branding, styling, and templates, as well as managing the database and file content. The administration roles would also include overseeing the website's performance, organization, and policy decisions. The team also discussed the possibility of an archivist role to monitor changes and ensure consistency across the site. They agreed that any major changes to the website would need to be reviewed and discussed by a broader group or the Executive Board, if there were costs involved.

  • Admin roles

    • Maintain branding, organization, styling, templates

    • HubDB database management

    • File management

  • Content roles

    • Product content

    • Admin/non-product content

  • Archivist

    • Write up archivist

    • Analytics - could reside elsewhere

  • Policy decisions - Initiated by TC with external review

Transition Timeline and Checklist Discussion

Wendy discussed the need for a timeline and checklist for the transition of their project. She agreed to create a Google spreadsheet to outline the tasks and dependencies. The goal is to have the transition completed by December 31st. Wendy also mentioned the need to handle content changes and ensure consistency between the ICPSR site and HubSpot site until final switch over is made. Darren suggested that the TC report on the Face-to-Face could be expanded into a chart with dates. Wendy also mentioned the agreement with ICPSR to shift over the entire ddi DNS area and the status of the DDI-Lifecycle 4.0 Beta 2. Dan is still working on the ordered properties and once ready, they can send out the beta.

  • Document Location Inquiry and Discussion

    • Wendy inquired about the location of documents moved by Jon into . Dan confirmed that he couldn't see any documents added to the , suggesting they might have been moved elsewhere. Darren found the top-level folder where Jon had copied all the files, which amounted to nearly a gigabyte's worth. Wendy decided to consult Jon to determine if this was their permanent location or a temporary one. Links to documents from web pages will need to be updated.
      Moved documents from website

Wendy encouraged anyone with issues to send her a note for the next meeting.



ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Darren, Jeremy, Dan
Relevant links:


redirect to:

CDI example of HTML redirect

Quick recap

The team resumed collaboration with a content professional, discussed the progress of the RDF project, and considered using GitHub as a production tool. They also prioritized tasks for the upcoming quarters, identified key areas of focus, and discussed access and responsibilities for the new website. Lastly, they highlighted the need for finalizing content due to upcoming changes in best practices and the completion of the DNS change.

Next steps

  • Darren to create a task list of remaining items for the website project, including data-driven pages, templates, styling, and mail shots.

  • Darren to work with Michigan to redirect the RDF vocabulary URL and test the preservation of headers in the 301 redirect.

  • TC members to review the roadmap document and provide feedback on priorities for the last half of 2024 and first half of 2025, including suggestions for new items or changes to existing ones.


Resumed Collaboration and Content Updates

Darren reported that they have resumed collaboration with the content professional, enabling re-editing of pages. He proposed creating an item list of outstanding tasks for the next team meeting. Darren also sought clarification on the tasks related to mail shots. Wendy emphasized the urgency of finalizing the content, highlighting the upcoming changes in best practices and the need to inform the working groups about the process. Lastly, Darren noted that the DNS change had been completed by DM , (Michigan).

RDF Project Progress and Redirect Testing

Darren discussed the progress of the RDF project, focusing on the upcoming redirect of the DDI-CDI page to the new RDF host. He also mentioned the need to test the redirect process to ensure the preservation of headers and the functionality of the redirect. Darren further shared his plan to improve the user experience by making concept URIs more accessible on the HTML pages and intended to discuss this with Oliver. The team also considered the idea of a poster session or webinar to present the project's progress and new infrastructure changes, with Jon suggesting a 15-20 minute session on the website. This could be combined with Roadmap session, and CV presentation.

GitHub Production Tool and RDF Ontology

Dan and Wendy discussed the use of GitHub as a production tool for XKOS and codebook. They recognized the need to expand the roadmap to include website-related work they recently took on. Wendy explained the Equivalency group's work on developing an RDF Ontology model to represent common content and concepts across DDI products. Wendy and Dan explored the idea of creating an underlying database mapping objects and content across different DDI products to enable consistent transformation and facilitate high-level understanding of DDI's overall coverage.

Prioritizing Tasks and Website Responsibilities

Wendy discussed the need for prioritizing tasks and identifying key areas of focus for the upcoming quarters. Wendy requested input from the team on their priorities and asked for a list of tasks that need to be broken out or given new subheadings. The team also discussed the access and responsibilities for the new website, with a limit of four people identified for administration and content. The team expects the CDI work to be completed by late September or early October.


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Oliver, Darren, Jeremy, Dan
CDI update

Roadmap/timeline requirement
There are documents on what is required and funding for implementation was part of this years request. They will prioritize this work product. Achim is back on Sept 11 and we should get roadmap and timeline shortly afterwards. Achim and Deirdre will work with Oliver on setting up pipelines in established DDI production work areas.

CDI timeline
They plan on submitting the package for voting process by Friday 20 September. Out goal will be to get it turned around by 27 September or shortly thereafter. Tentative date for the webinar is Thursday 3 October (of following week if necessary). The voting period should start within a 3-7 window on either side of this date. Wendy will coordinate with Jared. I noted that we will still be running a dual website at that point so the presentation of products may shift some pre- and post-voting period.

CV update
Request for DNS change should be made in next few days and be functional approximately 48 later. This will then be tested, followed by deployment, and then set up of RDF vocabulary resolution platform. Arofan will check on status 3 September.

Sanda wants to do more changes on the home page. Should be live next week. Entry shifts from Jared to Darren

HubSpot update
HubSpot needs to switch to US HubSpot outlet
Jon is talking to Jared on Monday to get the quote sorted and processed
We have a contact on the finance end at DDI
Darren has export .5 GIG of files and tables

Oliver - website transition

  • Tried importing the News item and then stumbled into nightmare of html from work imports. Think of transferring last 2-3 years of news by hand into the system.

  • Do yearly dump to PDF of news items.

  • Make sure this is ok with Jared and note it as a policy.

  • waiting for DNS change

Product section

  • What is going where and how is this organized

  • the doc site will contain information for people technically implementing

  • Web will have informative text content for understanding individual products. Add links to key product content:

    • Technical/Implementation button

    • How to make this visual being able to use useful glif/icons

    • Just waiting for the new DNS update

Presentation proposal for EDDI on Roadmap


Meeting summary for Technical Committee (08/22/2024)

Quick recap

The team discussed issues related to payment processing and the need for a new management system, with a focus on using Hubspot's American side. They also reviewed the roadmap for upcoming projects, including the Achim's project, CDI timeline, and the need to update internal links. Lastly, they deliberated on the organization and layout of content on their website and Hubspot pages, and the importance of managing ongoing tasks.

Next steps

• All team members to review the roadmap document and provide comments on priorities and changes needed for the coming year before the next TC meeting.
• Dan to work on implementing icons or glyphs for common elements (e.g. documentation, downloads) on the product pages once the DNS entry is updated.
• DDI team to finalize the product section organization and content flow between the website and technical documentation.


Payment Processing and Roadmap Discussion
Wendy and Jon discussed issues related to payment processing and the need to find a new way to manage it. They decided to start using the American side of Hubspot to resolve the payment issue, with Jared's assistance. Darren had downloaded all necessary files to rebuild if needed. They also discussed the need to update internal links and identify moved documents. Lastly, Wendy presented a draft roadmap for the upcoming year, which would be updated online for priorities, timelines, and modifications.

Project Timelines and Database Import
The team discussed the roadmap timeline requirements for the CDI project, with Arofan's funding request for $9,000 (setting up the pipeline was part of the request and will be prioritized by the CDI group). The Achim is back on September 11th, and is a key component for this work. The CDI timeline included submitting a package for voting by September 20th, with a webinar planned for October 3rd.

Oliver and Darren discussed the process of importing a database and considered transferring the last two to three years of news into Hubspot. The CV update involved a request for DNS change expected to be functional within 48 hours. Darren planned to make changes to the home page after the redirection from the control recoveries Page was complete.

TC's Roadmap and Prioritization Discussion
Wendy presented a roadmap for TC work and asked for input on what needs to be expanded, changed, or prioritized. Wendy noted that the last cycle of certain product developments would be completed this year. Wendy also mentioned the need to shift focus to tools for assisting with usage and production management. Wendy asked for feedback on prioritizing tasks for this year and identifying any projects that can't be dropped.

updates regarding web site, Hubspot, and docs site.

Wendy and Darren discussed the ongoing work on the Hubspot and the need to reset it with the US side due to address-related issues. Darren confirmed that he had captured all the content to prevent loss. An issue with the docs site was raised by Dan, as the DNS still hadn't been added to the site. (Note this has now been accomplished). Lastly, Wendy brought up the product section, which she and Darren had been working on, and proposed to discuss its progress and vision in the next meeting.

Website Content Organization and Layout
Wendy and Dan discussed the organization and layout of content on their website and Hubspot pages. Wendy expressed a need for a clearer understanding of the flow from website pages to the options set up on the other side (docs and github content). Dan explained that the site would be for people wanting to learn more or technically implement one of the products, and suggested using icons to indicate different types of content. They also discussed the need to wait for a new DNS entry before making links, and the possibility of adding a page with all the versions of a product. The group also needed to decide what content needed to be included and where.

CDI Project Progress and Roadmap
Wendy emphasized the importance of managing ongoing tasks and the potential acceleration of the CDI project. A polished proposal for Eddie was requested, with feedback on the presentation also sought. The team discussed the CDI's roadmap plans, including automation funding and pipeline setup. Issues with CDI 1.0 and 1.1 versions were addressed, with Jeremy advising against releasing multiple incompatible schemas (CDI-101). The conversation ended without any significant decisions or action items, with Darren, Dan, and Oliver offering their availability for future communication.



ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Oliver, Dan, Jeremy, Darren, Jared (guest)
Regrets: Flavio

F2F and Web site planning



  1. Updated dump of database - completed 2024-08-08

  2. Functionality of administrative section

  3. Meeting time with Michael - set for 2024-08-14 8:30 EDT, 13:30 London

Wendy: (Notification to Content Managers)

  1. Hold on updates during next week (Training, Admin, Marketing, Product) - completed 2024-08-08

Text of email:
Chantal, Kathryn, Jon, Jared, Hilde, and Arofan,

I am writing to you as content managers on the site. I have included Hilde and Arofan as they are preparing DDI-CDI for a vote in September and may need content changes in the website regarding this.

The Technical Committee will be beginning the process of moving the site from ICPSR to the UKDA. ICPSR will be creating downloads of the site content between now and Tuesday 13 August. We will then be creating a prototype of the new site. We will be running parallel sites while we check out the accuracy and stability of the new site. We would like to keep any changes to an absolute minimum for a period of time. We should be able to provide an estimate of this time period by the end of next week.

To that end please:

  1. Do not make any changes to the current site before August 20.

  2. Follow guidelines that the TC will provide before August 20 regarding any necessary changes made for a period of time following August 20.

  3. If you need to make content changes before August 20 or during the limited access period defined in the guidelines we will provide, please contact me to ensure that changes are reflected on both sites

  4. We understand that upcoming events such as the CDI vote will require some changes as well as needed announcements. We will keep this period of limited change as brief as possible. We simply want to ensure that content changes are made to both sites in a consistent manner.

Thank you for your help with this move,

Use of Zoom Summary
Jared forwarded the summary from last week
Wendy has sent to members for review and comment
Looks useful, will need to configure meeting set up to have summary sent directly

Post meeting:
Jared raised 2 additional issues in an email which will be added to agenda outline

  1. Web hosting expenses. What will they be and through which provider. If above a certain amount, I may need to vet the provider through UM.

  2. Administration. I'd us to keep the number of people who can make direct edits on the site to a low number. Prior to the clean up a few years ago, we had 70+ users with edit permission. Most hadn't logged in for years (and I removed their access due to security risks), but the disparate editors sometimes made for dislocated content. My recommendation is to have the TC edit the Products section. For the other content (mainly involving Training and Marketing), I suggest requests work through me. This helps make sure we have consistent messaging. Thoughts?


Meeting summary for Technical Committee (08/08/2024)

Quick recap

The team discussed upcoming website changes, a security incident involving the University's website, and the issue of language repetition in HTML output. They also planned for the organization and storage of documents in the new '' website, and the need for improved organization and descriptions for their working groups. Lastly, they arranged for transportation to UCL for upcoming meetings and discussed the transfer of the current site's content to a new database.

Next steps

• Jared to provide an updated database dump of the current website content to Darren.
• Jared to compile a list of current administrative functionalities on the website for the team.
• Jared to schedule a meeting with Michael (web team) for the following week to discuss potential needs.
• Wendy to send notification to content managers about holding off on website updates during the transition period.
• John to send his phone number to the team for emergencies during the London meeting.


Upcoming Travel, AI Tool, and New Team Members
Jon, Wendy, Dan, and Jeremy discussed their upcoming travel plans and the use of a new AI summary tool. Wendy expressed difficulty in accessing the DDI Alliance Mail to share the summary, and Jared offered to forward it.

Website Changes and Emus Discussion
The main agenda was then addressed - plans to announce upcoming website changes to members and users, gather feedback, and determine rollout strategy. Wendy shared a document outlining these plans and asked Jared for his input on prioritizing next steps.

University Website Security Incident Discussion
Jared discussed a security incident involving the University's website, where malicious ads were injected. The University's Information Assurance team, responsible for a major incident a year ago, wanted to take the site down due to the security incident. However, Jared disagreed and managed to get a commitment from the team to keep the existing site up until December, with a possibility of minor internal shifting. Wendy questioned the need for a backup plan, given the issues with the current setup and functionalities, and the ongoing work on the prototype.

Addressing HTML Repetition in RDF Release
The team discussed the issue of language repetition in the HTML output of the CV group, which was identified as a potential problem for the upcoming RDF release. Oliver and Wendy had been exploring the possibility of transforming the HTML output to eliminate duplication, a solution preferred over holding up the entire chain. Despite concerns about the aesthetic of the output, the team agreed that the priority was to have the RDF resolution system in place for the CDI release. The team planned to further discuss and resolve the issue in their next meeting.

News Item URL Structure Discussion
Jared and Darren discussed the potential changes to the URL structure of the news items on their website. Jared mentioned that there were over 50 news items, and Darren was unable to access the site to confirm the details. Oliver suggested setting up redirect rules if the URLs did change. There was also a discussion about the possibility of only importing news from the last year to support archives, but this would mean losing older content. Darren agreed to investigate the redirection issue, and Jon checked if the current URLs were supported by Hubspot.

Improving Member List and Publication Functions
Jared discussed the functionality of the Member List section and expressed interest in improving its display capabilities. Darren suggested that 80-90% of the new prototype should be completed within a week for feedback, with the remaining 10% to be addressed in the following weeks. Jared also brought up the topic of the publication section's functionality in the new site. Wendy requested Jared to list any additional functionalities to better understand the current system and identify any gaps or issues.

Organizing Documents on New Website
The team discussed the organization and storage of documents in the new '' website. Jared, Darren, and Wendy discussed the need for a balance between HTML pages and PDF documents, with the intention of providing users with both easy-to-access HTML content and the security of PDF backups. They also discussed the potential for storing these documents in an S3 bucket, rather than internally on the website. The team agreed on the importance of having a clear and intentional structure for the new site.

Improving Working Group Organization and Communication
Jared, Jon, and Wendy discussed the need for improved organization and better descriptions for their working groups. They agreed on the importance of having text, not just links, for easier navigation and decided to move forward with the plan to transfer content while keeping functionality. Wendy proposed that a placeholder for an upcoming change be included in the next newsletter, with further details to be discussed later in the year with working groups. Wendy also requested that future communications be copied to Oliver, who is now the vice chair, and mentioned that she and Oliver would be reviewing the distribution of tasks within the committee. Lastly, Wendy requested a list of functionalities for the administrative sections from Jared for the following week.

Database Dump and Site Updates Strategy
Jared will ask Michael to provide another database dump for the current site's content, which will be sent to Darren. The team will discuss the best time for this transfer, likely on Wednesday. The team also agreed to hold off on making updates to the site until after the switch, with Jared suggesting he might create new content items instead. The team will reassess their approach after the prototype is up and before finalizing the site.

Transportation, Arrivals, and Notifications
Wendy and Jon discussed transportation arrangements for themselves and the others attending the meetings at UCL next week, with Jon recommending the Elizabeth line. Darren confirmed his arrival time on Tuesday morning. Wendy assigned an action for Jon to send emergency contact details. Wendy also assigned an action for herself to send a notification to the content managers and remind Jared about updating the database functionality and scheduling a meeting with Michael.


ATTENDEES: Wendy, Jon, Dan, Jeremy, Oliver, Flavio

Codebook - Pull Request 41

Jared's email
This is to check on the status of the web site migration. When do you plan to switch it over to the new host? When can we turn off the ICPSR-hosted site? Will we retain the same URLs at the new hosted site? Do you need our web team to be available for a few hours during the planned switchover? For content transfer, is this inventory still accurate?

I had one to-do relating to formalizing an agreement about who is doing what for web and resolution support. I recently spoke with the UM General Counsel office about creating legal agreements for web site hosting, maintenance, and support, as well as supporting the resolution system that has been set up to support CV and RDF vocabulary resolution. While we do not need details to create a draft for the web site actions, can you please specify the specific tasks and deliverables for supporting the resolution system?

I'm out next week without access to email or phone but will be back on the 5th. Can we talk then? I'm especially interested in how the Secretariat-owned sections, like Get Involved, Publications, About will function on the new site. I'm also interested in communicating these planned changes to the wider community.

Notes from CDI for TC:

Lifecycle using CDI as a bridge standard to SDMX
RDF expressions of DDI versions are moving forward
See if we can get Eurostat to look at the RDF from Lifecycle
UNECE is having a meeting 3rd week of October with side meeting of CDI/SDMX alignments
Eurostat has a conference in March NTTS (submission date 30th of September)

CDIF in the middle pointing out to different things
Handling handoff between CDIF and DDI is CDI
There hasn't been a discussion of Products that should be involved

TC is accountable for some outreach activities and we need to coordinate this better with Scientific Board and other outreach activities. There should be broad support for the Product Suite with targeting taking place where appropriate.


Meeting summary for Technical Committee (08/01/2024)

Quick recap

The team addressed various issues related to the code book, the website's hosting location, and the potential risks of transferring content to a functional site. They also discussed the need for improvements in the content management system, the display of language labels in CV groups, and the organization of documents on the website. Lastly, they touched upon upcoming developments from UNECE and Eurostat, and the importance of transparency and consultation with the technical committee.

Next steps

• Oliver to implement corrections for the HTML and SKOS files for the controlled vocabulary site by the end of the London meeting week.
• Wendy to write to Jared expressing that it's unreasonable for ICPSR to move the deadline for the site migration to September 1st with such short notice.
• Dan to add a task for the London meeting to create a static version of the DDI site as a backup plan.
• Jon and Darren to evaluate and provide feedback next Thursday on the feasibility of moving the majority of the site content by the end of August.


Addressing Code Book Issues and Feedback
Wendy addressed several outstanding issues related to Codebook. Wendy clarified the meanings of certain attributes, corrected a misspelling of 'orchid', and improved the formatting and clarity of the documentation. Wendy also planned to review codebook tree issues from Knut. Dan and Oliver provided feedback and suggestions for the commit message when merging the changes. Wendy thanked them for their input and agreed to implement their suggestions.

Website Hosting Change and Challenges
Jared from ICPSR notified the team that due to recent security issues, they need to move their website from the current hosting location by September 1st, much earlier than the previously agreed December 2025 deadline. The team discussed the challenges posed by this shortened timeline and the need for a temporary hosting solution during the transition period. Dan and Jon suggested pushing back on the new deadline as unreasonable with such short notice, but also proposed discussing interim options like a backup site with Jared and Dan in the next meeting.

Site Transfer and Backup Plan Discussion
Jon, Wendy, Dan, and Oliver discussed the potential risks and solutions related to moving the majority of their site over to a functional site by the end of August. Jon expressed his belief that the site's content could be successfully transferred, but highlighted the challenges with DNS and other related issues. As a backup plan, Dan suggested creating a static version of the site. Oliver agreed, noting that the only interactive part of the site was the search functionality, which could be removed. Jon proposed directing their concerns to Jared, suggesting an extension as a more reasonable solution. Wendy agreed to draft a letter to Jared, with Jon's review for accuracy.

Addressing Duplicate Language Labels
Wendy and Oliver discussed the issue of duplicate language labels in the HTML and SKOS files for the controlled vocabulary site. They agreed that this duplication was unintended and needed to be addressed, with potential solutions including transforming the SKOS file. They also discussed the availability of multiple language versions in the HTML for their publication plan, with Oliver explaining their current setup using secondary HTML pool methods through the REST API. Wendy acknowledged the convenience of having multiple languages, and they agreed to consider whether they wanted to adopt the same approach.

Addressing Content Management System Issues
Oliver and Wendy discussed issues related to the use of a content management system. Oliver explained that the system generates files each time a publish action is performed, rather than on the fly. He also pointed out that the current versioning system for languages was causing problems. Wendy expressed concerns about the time it would take to make changes, to which Oliver suggested two potential solutions: making corrections during his trip to London and starting a new service without the current system. Wendy agreed to these proposals, emphasizing the importance of getting the project up and running.

Addressing CV Groups Language Label Issue
The team discussed the issue of language labels not displaying correctly in the CV groups, as raised by the CV group. Dan expressed his opinion that this issue doesn't affect the usage and suggested improving the rendering. Oliver agreed but noted that users might prefer to wait until the error is fixed before setting it to hold. Wendy proposed a temporary fix and prioritized it, as it was only for a limited time. The team also discussed the need for a flag to notify users of errant duplication in multiple languages, which Wendy suggested would not significantly impact overall usability. Website Structure
Wendy and Jon discussed the organization and presentation of documents and specifications on the website. Jon suggested that the site should provide options for users to make decisions and that specifications should have a presence on the main site. They also discussed the potential for confusion between the docs and main sites, and the need for clear guidelines. Dan added that the new system should accommodate automatically generated artifacts from specifications. The team agreed to further clarify the site's structure and content.

Upcoming Developments and Transparency Concerns
Wendy discussed upcoming developments from the UNECE and Eurostat, particularly regarding Lifecycle v4.0 and the use of RDF. Wendy also mentioned an upcoming conference with a submission deadline of 30th September. Jon expressed concerns about the lack of transparency and consultation with the technical committee regarding these initiatives. Wendy agreed to discuss these issues further with Oliver, the new vice chair, and to consider the committee's involvement in future activities.
