2023 Workshop - CDIF documents + Google drive link

  1. Shared Google drive - please add your group work documents here. There is a sub folder for each group: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AZ7byqX2wFYIQMYMYKS3KwG4gKojk4gA?usp=drive_link

  2. Video of presentation from the briefing session: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13Icctu2iKAmnuzoA8OH3kHU5eoacaZ5e/view?usp=sharing

  3. CDIF progress report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dlGnxiSnvtCkxOAp1LEDNficxCNnXBZZ/view?usp=sharing

  4. CDIF GitHub repo 

  5. CDIF Discoverability Draft 

  6. CDIF Design Principles Draft 

  7. Recording from the CDIF webinar in June:  and presentations .