01 Discovery, Access, and Evaluation
Google Drive folder for this group: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LmUShvtQ7-8d30SXIDYdHJM6LDQQWgn4?usp=drive_link
Existing CDIF draft on this topic: https://github.com/Cross-Domain-Interoperability-Framework/Discovery/blob/main/discoverability.md
Outline of this topic
Look at the existing work regarding data discovery and access
Extend this to address the related aspects of data assessment and evaluation
Much of the metadata required is the same
Identify commonalities
Describe metadata profiles which build toward a coherent, complete set, based on function
Existing discovery draft, reasonably mature
Access work has started not as mature
Connection to data integration needs to be established
Suggested deliverables
Profiles of variable-level information to support discovery, assessment, and access
We have a draft mapping between Schema.org, DCAT, and DDI-CDI
Ideally, an agreed set of structural metadata could be identified for expression in the needed standards (equivalent across them with “is a” relationships, etc.)
Should be the basis of structural metadata for integration
Description of metadata profile describing data access