Core meeting minutes
- Anonymous
Therese Lalor (Unlicensed)
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Former user (Deleted)
(Proposed by Dan, Simon and Flavio)
The main criteria would be whether the object is characterizable or not.
if it is, then it is a property.
If it is not, then it is a relationship.
An object is characterizable when it has a well defined set of attributes that describes it.
- Address is characterizable: attributes can be clearly specified.
- BasedOn is not characterizable: the target object could be of any type.
Core Meeting Notes Date: 2014-05-16
Attendees: Johan Fihn, Wendy Thomas, Jon Johnson, Joachim Wackerow
What we have:
- Definitions of Primitive and Extended primitive
- List of elements to be included in core (part of spread sheet of elements to be imported into Drupal. Set of Primitives, Extended primitives and Basic elements.
Problems to be solved:
- Finalize which candidates goes into core and which doesn’t
- How to organize uml packages with regards to external packages. Should external namespaces (e.g. dc or xhtml) go into their own packages?
- How do we export primitives to xmi and into Enterprise Architect? This needs to be tested.
- We should wait until 3.2 import into Drupal is done before adding elements to Drupal.
Next steps:
- Wendy to finish document with definitions (see below)
- Johan to set up a better document with Core elements.
- As soon as import of 3.2 elements into Drupal is done Johan will add Primitives and Extended primitives to Drupal
Next call:
- Not needed. Communication before Toronto will be done by email.
- Agreement was reached on the division of the coverage of the original Core and Foundational work tasks.
- Core is split into Primitives and Extended Primitives
- Foundational is split into Conceptual Objects and Basic Reusables
- These new work tasks have the following coverage descriptions:
- Primitives - XML basic types such as xs:string, xs:boolean, etc. These items are never used directly within other library objects, they are only used as data types.
- Extended Primitives - Complex objects that are used only as data types such as InternationalString, CodeValue, etc. These items are never used directly within other library objects, they are only used as data types.
- Conceptual Objects - The core set of objects reflected in a ISO 11179 Data Element or GSIM Represented Variable. These form the theoretical core of Variables.
- Basic Reusables - This is a set of generic objects that are used in a consistent way throughout DDI and are available for direct use or as an extension base by other objects in the library. Examples: Label, Value, Description, CommandCode, etc.
- All of these task groups with the exception of Conceptual Objects are being addressed by the Core Work Group. This group will review all current DDI objects and identify those belonging to each group. The list will be reviewed, the objects moved from pre-loaded 3.2 objects into their appropriate Task Group and follow the standard review process for movement into the Library. This is a high priority task as a great many DDI objects are based on the objects in these three task groups.
- Once these items are in Drupal, the group working with Conceptual Objects can finalize the entry work and continue with the standard review process.