Meeting Minutes Discovery group 2014-05-21
Mary Vardigan
Kate McNeill
Sanda Ionescu
Jay Greenfield
Larry Hoyle
We discussed the need to rewrite the functional view description which is currently:
“Description: Discovery at study, data file, and data item level” functional view”
Kate volunteered to draft something .
We added Geographiclevel, and TimeMethod to the list of possible objects. The original list is at at
The group will review the revised list for completeness and rate the objects as either “core”, “extended”, or “exclude”
Jay raised the issue of whether this list includes what is necessary for aggregate data, covered by SDMX.
A use case might be a researcher wanting to find the microdata used to produce a table presented in a publication as well as the procedure used to produce the table from the microdata.
We also discussed looking at Data Without Boundaries, the DDI RDF Discovery vocabulary, and the NIH DDI to see which information objects they include for discovery.
We also discussed the possibility that information objects not in DDI (e.g. from GSIM, or Dublin Core) could be used in a functional view.
We should identify which elements can make use of a controlled vocabulary.
A recurring question in our conversation was: How comprehensive should the Discovery Functional View be and will it be used as a view or is it a collection that will be used in multiple other places in the model? Limiting the set of objects will be difficult.
What kind of search should we support:
Researchers looking for data?
Researchers looking for questions, represented variables, etc to reuse in new studies?
Archives looking for reuse or citation of data?