


Disco is intended to describe microdata for discovery purposes.

Description of viewIn this view we propose to combine a subset of Disco with other vocabularies including parts of Dublin Core, DataCube, DCAT and PROV not already in Disco.
View statusIDEA
Proposed by

Larry Hoyle, Kate McNeill and Jay Greenfield

The interplay of Dublin Core, DataCube, DCAT, and PROV are sometimes mentioned as “missing” parts in Disco. In the semantic web, however, it is the common approach to combine available vocabularies. Inclusion of other vocabularies in the proposed rDisco will enable the preparation of data analysis plans in which it is necessary to cite other researchers, the hypotheses they tested, the analyses they performed and problems that were encountered.



Scholars Portal, Ontario Council of University Libraries

We build technology infrastructure in support of research and teaching on behalf of university libraries in Ontario, Canada. The Ontario Council of University Libraries is a consortium of 21 libraries, who work together to enhance information services through collective purchasing (license negotiation for journals, ebooks, data etc.), and shared digital information infrastructure.

<odesi> represents a shared digital infrastructure to discover and access a variety of quantitative social science survey data, including a large collection of Statistics Canada Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs). Study and variable level metadata are described using the DDI-Codebook specification. Our User Interface is built using MarkLogic (an XML database), with a search and facet pulling metadata from our database of DDI-XML, derived from our Nesstar Server database.



 Best Practices Guide for markup (2008)